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You can also f212, d1, f1 cancel into bf1 amplified, d2 to push him towards you and jump over d2 into f1 1+2 because this one i believe only works on females. This is much easier to do..Im just testing it this out myself so let me know about flaws..

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Yea, was kind of a bummer :( I tried him day one and got all excited when I saw f1, 1+3 restands, then I checked the move list...

Giving him a plus on hit restand would be kinda op tho
Its still good because its 0 and he has a 6f. I believe only a few have a 6f poke and the rest have to eat that poke. So for the most part, it still is his turn after that restand on most of the cast. Keep in mind that having a restand in this gm is great because you take away their wake up options. Such as roll, wake up u2 or u3 as well as for delay wake up. Pretty useful tech here


Its still good because its 0 and he has a 6f. I believe only a few have a 6f poke and the rest have to eat that poke. So for the most part, it still is his turn after that restand on most of the cast. Keep in mind that having a restand in this gm is great because you take away their wake up options. Such as roll, wake up u2 or u3 as well as for delay wake up. Pretty useful tech here
Yea, I think this tech is pretty good for the variation with the command grab because you can threaten a tick throw. For infinite warden it’s not that great because the pressure options are limited: if the opponent blocks the d1, it’s his turn and he can make his move. If you go for another move he can beat you out. It’s still a mind game but infinite warden is not really that threatening of a scenario.

If I was the opponent I would probably just mash d1 even if it was 7f. Worst case is it gets beat out by his d1 and it’s geras’ turn. Best case is, he goes for another move and I beat it out and it’s my turn now.

Still an interesting find, the command grab options afterwards are scary :)