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Gamer to noob petition!


Hey guys (and gals) This thread is to address a problem I have had in my relationship with my girlfriend... She doesn't play fighting games with me! I have narrowed the problem down to her not having the skill or practice... solution? Teach her a little bit every day! One of the problems I ran into a while ago is that if you try too hard, people get frustrated and want to stop. If you do just ten or fifteen minutes of solid teaching every day (or every time she comes over) in a few weeks you will have a contender on your hands!
Here is my idea:
If you sign this petition you will teach your GIrl/signifigant other/sibling/whatever for ten or fifteen minutes (or more if willing) a day your favorite fighing game!

The reason I think this is important is this: For me at least, fighting games are kind of a lonely thing... That shouldn't be so!! If you have someone who you enjoy being with, share what you love with them!

Sign it! Do it! :duel:


Cock Master!!
my ex actually played some tekken before. we played once, on the first night we met it was the "ice breaker". he just mashed buttons LOL i dont think he cares to get good at it.

Dr Doggystyle

The #1 MK Kollector from the Netherlands
i play all the MK games with my son. He is 7 years. He and i play a lot on the MK1 cab and he's becoming very good :D