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So, I was watching Mordrek's Kabal video and it struck me, there are actually characters that have Jade's glow kind of moves when they can punish less than 6 frame gaps, be them in strings or between strings canceled into specials. So the main idea is to use the armor of a special that launches for a combo. This is a tactic that might very well work as anti-poking, punishing pressure etc. So here are the ones from the top of my head:
Jade's glow into 35% combo with positioning and distance choice
Kabal's en-ND into combo followed by F4 reset
Kenshi's en-rising karma into combo and fullscreen charge
Sonya's en-kartwheel into combo and 112 reset
CSZ's en-ice parry into full combo
Rain's en-RH cancelled and lead into a full combo
Skarlet's en-red dash into db2 and full combo

Now what I'm interested in are these ones: Scorpion's en-spear, Freddy's en-tear drop, and maybe others I'm not aware of. How viable are they, because the above ones are pretty sure to hit.


"Thanks" button abuser.
You can also just crouch block against a lot of the cast and punish the highs with armor, pokes, uppercut, etc.

Or you can be Johnny Cage and ex nut punch into blockstrings


Come On Die Young
Scorpion's spear goes through some moves for some reason. Freddy's drop i think you can just block on reaction so it should rarely hit. The only time I could think of is if Freddy is armoring through a longer string that isn't advancing, but it would otherwise give him free pressure

But I agree with you, this is the #1 thing that people aren't abusing enough. And also one of the main reasons why I think Kitana isn't top 5.
lol this is one of the thing that would bring jade into a higher tier, honestly the glow is safe armor with almost no risk of using to get out of combos. And even if your opponent tries to bait it and block, its still give you free pressure and build meter back