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Game Session No Longer Available? (Xbox)

So, I'm not sure if anyone else has ever had these issues before, but for the past few days I've been running into some weird and crazy problems with MK9 Online.

For starters, when I invite someone into a party, or vice versa over Live, none of us are able to connect to the party. Temjiin and myself have been trying to join each other's party the past few days and have both had the same issue.

Another problem is challenging players. Sometimes when I challenge players in a lobby right off the bat, it will wait and eventually give me the "Game Session is no longer available", even when trying to join a session in progress based off the Live menu.

I don't want to say it's my internet connection, since I can join parties for any other games easily and usually have hardly any lag at all during any other games....It just seems to be MK9 related things that are the problem for me.

I went ahead and re-downloaded all the DLC as well, and still run into all the problems I have been having the past day or two.

So, has anyone else encountered problems like these and happened to find a way to resolve it all? If so, I'd greatly apprecaite any help, thanks!
Yes, that's what we call. XBLivality or PSNetworkality. It's NRS's piece of sh*t netcode.Don't worry 'bout it.
Bah junk then. Hopefully they tweak this so it's actually plausible and I'm capable of playing online private matches with people on my buddy list, etc...Cause frankly this is stupid playing random online and KOTH stuff without even knowing whether or not it will connect or not heh. Thanks Z

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Bah junk then. Hopefully they tweak this so it's actually plausible and I'm capable of playing online private matches with people on my buddy list, etc...Cause frankly this is stupid playing random online and KOTH stuff without even knowing whether or not it will connect or not heh. Thanks Z
I wouldn't hold my breath(spelling?). NRS won't touch MK9 anymore.For now at least.
I wouldn't hold my breath(spelling?). NRS won't touch MK9 anymore.For now at least.
Any other options then in the meantime to try and work around this whole ordeal? I really don't feel like playing Rando Dando people 1v1 and since it seems it's like impossible to even go in a party with any other MK9 players on my Buddy list to talk to about things, it rather limits my ability to communicate and learn about stuff aside from reading and just doing in solo.
Well, first off have you downloaded the compatibility packs? If not then there's your problem.You have to get them.
Nah, got all 4 of them, even re-downloaded them after reading the de-synch thread. I've played people though so far who haven't had them since the DLC characters weren't available for the choices lol...So I know it's not that.

I told Temjiin tomorrow I'm going to test it all over my parents house with their internet to see if maybe it is mine that is conflicting with just MK, since any other game I have works flawlessly.

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Get on that hook
Nah, got all 4 of them, even re-downloaded them after reading the de-synch thread. I've played people though so far who haven't had them since the DLC characters weren't available for the choices lol...So I know it's not that.

I told Temjiin tomorrow I'm going to test it all over my parents house with their internet to see if maybe it is mine that is conflicting with just MK, since any other game I have works flawlessly.
LOL that's really BOGUS.Well, good luck man.
LOL that's really BOGUS.Well, good luck man.
Yeah, it's kinda fubared at this point. I read elsewhere that it could also relate to NAT settings on routers and conflicting ones for various people.

As it stands now, I can't join Xbox parties it seems with like anyone on my buddy list with MK9, nor challenging them works right, or making a private match and inviting them to a game for that matter.

Not only that, but when I'm in a game lobby, and challenge people or accept challenges, sometimes it won't work and I'll get the ole game session not available message as usual. It's basically hit or miss when it comes to working game challenges heh. So tomorrow I'll see what happens over the 'rents house using their router and service, if it works fine there, then I at least got it narrowed down to now just my service...So one can hope. But as it stands, it sucks

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Get on that hook
Oh yea I forgot about that. If you try to join parties , challenge people , get challenged and all you get is "unavailable" it means your NAT settings aren't good. Most of the time it's resolved by just restarting your xbox.But if that doesn't solve it you're going to have to change it yourself.It's been a long time since I had this problem so I don't even remember how anymore.
Oh yea I forgot about that. If you try to join parties , challenge people , get challenged and all you get is "unavailable" it means your NAT settings aren't good. Most of the time it's resolved by just restarting your xbox.But if that doesn't solve it you're going to have to change it yourself.It's been a long time since I had this problem so I don't even remember how anymore.
Yeah, I even went ahead and rebooted my system a few times to no avail. Odds are it's something to do with the router and NAT settings conflicting with MK coding.

Tomorrow I'll be playing on a different router and NAT so I'll see what happens then first.
So, an update. Over at my parents house, with their router the party joining, private match invites etc all now work flawlessly. So it's good to know that my issue before has been pin pointed to be internet/router related back home.

HOWEVER, here I have another yet new problem.

When playing MK9 with my fight stick, it randomly and often triggers the RT and LT buttons on it's own....meaning that it's pretty much impossible to play with the fight stick. I tested the stick out a few times, unplugged it, restarted the system and router also and the problem still persists.

But the problem only seems to persist in MK9. In the MK arcade, say UMK3, everything works fine, my RT is never triggered randomly so I don't stand there blocking all weird or rando dando like. Which now makes me believe it's an issue with only MK9 and the coding, and/or some sort of interference here at this house with the router/devices causing it to trigger ONLY those two buttons during any type of play...practice mode etc.

If I don't use the stick and just a controller, it works fine. No buttons are randomly triggered and so forth. Has anyone else ever heard of or ran into this problem now? It's getting a bit nuts since this is my 2nd Klassic stick, as the first after 1 day stopped powering up. This one hasn't had that issue nor has had the above issue at my house, which is odd too since at this house it does.