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Full, Printable Move List?


Has anyone found a full, printable move list? I've found many that just have the fatalities and special attacks, but I'd like one with the basic, built-in combos as well.

I like having the complete move list printed out on a single page for each character rather than checking the in game menu over and over while I'm learning (which takes a long time :p)

Thanks in advance!


That's a pretty cool one, IronMan. Has all the basic and tag combos. Not sure if my office would appreciate me using up all their colour ink though, haha. The one I linked above is just plain text so I'll be printing that one later on.
yeah i feel yeah on printing it off, i actually found it after getting hyped and ordering the kollector's edition from amazon before all the negative comments it received. But among those comments i found someone linking back to prima's site for the free correction on the cards.