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From MK to DC Alt Universe.


Which mk characters would u place in DC if u could make them become super heroes or super villians? What power would u add to them?, what universe would u like to see them in, or who would u like to see them partner up with? Ill start

Sonya/ Wonderwomen: Would be cool to have sonya wash up aboard Amazonia after some kind of overseas ship crash n be trained in the way of the amazonian race to become wonder womens right hand women, if u thought sonyas powerful legs were a problem now oh boy wait till after training 0_o, plus she given WW more then enough competition in the boobs department lol.

Jax/ John Stewart (GL): This would be a nice team both being part of the forces and all, could u imagine the pain jax would bring with the power of the ring? He already bodying ppl with his metal arms, but to be a GL? You in for real trouble 0_o.

Kabal/Flash: Can u imagine having to fight both of these guys at the same time? Goodluck keeping up with what u cant see ha, i wonder how kabal would look in his own take of a flash uniform....nah i think he should keep his alt from his ending in mk9, or he could be a villian of the flash, that would prob be more better :p..

Well thats all i can think of for now, what would u like to see happen to ur fav mk chars if they switched to the dc universe? What powers should they recieve?