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Freddy, Freddy, Freddy, What will we do with you?


With the countless impressions on Krueger threads out there, simple yes or no.

Will you
1) Get Freddy?
2) Use him the competitive scene if allowed (offline tournaments)
Yes, and yes.

Look, plenty of people pick up games, or pick characters for stupid, superficial reasons.

Take, for instance, my interest in fighters.
Nowadays, I'm a moderate gamer with aspirations of one day competing at EVO.

Wanna know what got me into fighters?
The fact that Zafina looked a lot like Cristina Scabbia (lead singer of Lacuna Coil, one of my favorite bands).

Seriously, there are people who main certain characters, or get into the genre as a whole for dumb reasons.
Maining Freddy, quite honestly, is not that ridiculous. He looks like he could genuinely be solid, and you know what, a lot of people will main him SOLELY to troll the "hardcore" MK players who are butthurt over his inclusion, or people who are just genuine fans of horror and see this as a great opportunity to sate their fanboy/girlism.


If you play online it's about to become Nightmare on Elm Street. I think everyone is gonna be using him just to say that they did. He could be one of the most used characters by noobs due to Freddy being the one recognizable face in the roster. If NLS makes him the best of the four DLC he could be one of the most played characters period. We will just have to wait and see tomorrow.


Digital Pro Sports
Definitely getting him, and I'll probably play around with him for fun. The likely hood of me using him competitively is slim to none however. I generally tend to remain steadfast in my competitive character choices.


Sinestro's might!
I have him already. I have bought all the DLC characters already. Didnt all xbox people?


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
im getting the pack but not him, who cares if everybody uses him unless he's the next kung lao


A prop on the stage of life.
1. Yes.
2. Yes.

He'll be tournament viable eventually so might as well accept it. I have no attachments to Freddy in the sense where I'm like "ZOMFG he's my main calling it!", but I'll have him and use him regardless. If I can get good enough with him I'll add him to my list of characters I use online. I just wonder if his damage will feel right like kenshi's or silly like rain's and skarlets.


Let's go green!!!!
No and no! For the same reason why I never picked up MKvsDC. To me he just doesn't belong/make sense. Sadly, I'm gonna have to pick up the compatibility pack for the ones who like him. And also because I will need to get use to the matchup

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