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For wrestling fans, in particular the old school ECW


The other documentary chronicling ECW is up on YouTube in it's full glory. Half way through it and while I'm not going to say it's the greatest ECW docu of all time, I like that it is at least giving some light to the wrestlers who weren't in the WWE made ECW documentary "The Rise and Fall of ECW"(IIRc that is the name).



Also check out the ''YouShoot'' on YouTube they have interesting interviews with past wrestlers. No Bs or Bias


Grapple > Footsies
That documentary is pretty old, but worth watching. The official WWE one "Rise and fall of ECW" was much better though.


That documentary is pretty old, but worth watching. The official WWE one "Rise and fall of ECW" was much better though.
They are both about the same age but you can obviously tell the post production differences. But I'll give Jeremy Borash some credit, to do this with only about 2 months worth of experience with dealing with video editing is pretty impressive.

BTW, there is actually a new ECW documentary, which I believe is already done, that is going to be released soon. The guys started it about 10 years ago and just got a lot of fan support to finish it. It looks pretty solid and there are even some clips available of it on Youtube. Can't wait to see the full version of it.


Bajan to the core!
Thanks for the post. The good ole days with the Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal Death Defying Sabu!! :)