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FNATIC|Perfect Legend, EMP|CD Jr, Filipino Champ talk Scorpion, patches, EVO and more w/ Jason24CF


While at Community Effort Orlando (CEO) over a week ago, three top players, FNATIC|Perfect Legend, EMP|CD Jr and Filipino Champ talk with EventHubs' Jason24CF on various concerning issues. The hot topic was Scorpion in Injustice and the latest patch that hit. Both Perfect Legend and CD Jr speak differently about Scorpion. While Perfect Legend does not think Scorpion is that good and explains that people are overreacting; CD Jr on the other hand thinks the opposite. While a "no name" player made it to top 8, CD Jr says, right there's the justification of Scorpion being overpowered.

Filipino Champ states that he riled the community up back at PAX East to bring more players in and that he does actually "love Injustice".

Edit: Jason also interviews KDZ, whose interview has been added to the group.

NOTE: In CD Jr's interview, they mention that the July 2nd patch was not being used. This is incorrect. MrWizard announced on twitter, click here for details*

Source: Jason24CF
Credit: EventHubs



Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
While a "no name" player made it to top 8, CD Jr says, right there's the justification of Scorpion being overpowered.
Who was that no name who won MK at Summer Jam 2011 with Rain again? That's irrefutable evidence right there that the broken purple Chuck Norris wannabe went 8-2 vs Kabal, Kenshi and Kung Lao. Rain's nerfs were justified.

Let's be serious here, DEG was also the most disciplined in the Scorp matchup and knew how to blow him up better than Chris G even. Why is giving players credit where it's due such a stumbling block for so many among the MKC?

The sad reality is, even if Injustice is a more balanced game than MK9, it's doomed not to be perceived that way with an attitude like that.


Waiting for Havik
Stop bashing the MKC, not all think like that, sometimes you look like damn Capcom fanboys.


Just a slightly above average player.....
Another case of "Top Players" feeling there own egos. They can't lose to a no name. I mean after all they where always a top player even before they where known right?
This is honestly why i cant stand a lot of the professional gaming community, how is it in baseball, basketball, soccer, football and the like when your a no name or a rookie and your legit good at what you do your praised and respected even by top players. But when it comes to video games if its not the top players at the top all the time the new guys perceived as lame or shit, makes me wonder why people would even strive to be on that level just to turn into some anal deusch. But rant aside at first scorpion was an issue even for me but after some patience hes easily exploited and punished step your game up and stop bitching.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I saw FChamp and "talking injustice", so I took this with a grain of salt. Luckily, they had plenty to spare.


These interviews would be better if the interviewer just asked the questions instead of offering his own opinions as well you have a better chance of getting a more honest response from people if you don't offer any sort of polarity in your questions.

Also I'm not completely positive about this but the bonus content on the FChamp video where he was blowing up GreenAce, if that was the show match that happened on the first night I'm pretty sure GreenAce won.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
The problem I have with many of the top players in these games is that they have a alck of professionalism. PL and FChamp, seemed to actually show some respect towards others, but hearing CD Jr. bad mouth a player just because he isn't a known guy and is new to the scene is just unprofessional and outright in bad sport. A professional cannot claim to be a pro and act like that and should alwyas carry a standard on their for conduct, in this case CD Jr. sounded more like an arrogant ass for and killed much of his credibility as a professional once he he made his comment about this no name player.
CD Jr has always been a bit disrespectful to other players so this doesn't surprise me. I remember when Tyrant won SCR or something and CD Jr immediately posted on twitter that only him, Reo, PL, and Detroitballin had won legit majors with everybody there. That's why he's one of my least favorite top players, especially considering I was a huge Tyrant fan as well


CDjr when he played jax was awesome. CDjr that sold out to top tier raises my sodium levels every time he speaks. Hes so cocky and hasn't won shit since he switched from jax in MK9.