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General/Other Flash: Super whiff trait Glitch?


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
did anyone know that if you whiff super while in trait, where ever you left off of while trait was active, it will be there unused and either start recharging from there or if you whiff super early enough, you can use trait immediately afterwards. probably not practical but hey whatever lol.

NOTE: i tested it also in multiplayer so it does apply in a real game, this is NOT a training mode glitch.

AK Harold


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Ultimate style points in grand finals trait super trait. . . omg then 10x d2 in corner. Will make everyone cry so hard.
lol i just tried a combo, trait.....f3, d2 immediately super cancel......... but trait takes about 2 seconds after the super whiffs so maybe i go to batcave lagoon on that electric and try that combo there? hmmmmm BRB
Zyphox or interactible background bounce while in trait > super > then dash > F or B3 > Trait > combo. .. . would be ridiculous hype. Sorry I am not at home to tinker with this tech right now so you need to test it for me.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
AK Harold, nopoe the dream is dead. i tried b3 trait into electricity super, my super is done even before they hit the electricity and it won't let me activate trait until they hit the ground.


I got this once after trying a troll d2 times ten combo in the corner I whiffed the super and had two trait bolts leftover, I was confused and happy.
Lol interesting glitch, tho i dont know how viable this is during a real match, maybe if u catch them in a situation after theyve used wager already and have no bars of meter since he can be pushed blocked out of trait.
FCP/EMP SCAR I should be in H-Town this weekend, but I dunno if I will have any time to play. What area of Houston do you guys play at? and can someone provide a joystick if I swing by?
SW Sugarland area, but really I got a full plate so I am not sure how that is gonna work out. I think you got my number from Evo just text me this weekend to see whats up only there Fri - SUN