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Flash and Aquaman


If the Achievement teaser is true with Killer Frost and Raven...

Why would Neatherealm leave main villains for 2 VERY KEY characters in the game...
Flash vs Captain Cold
Aquaman vs Black Manta

Ive heard ARES will be WW main Villain .


Play Monster Hunter!
They showed someone who looks like Ocean Master in Aquamans trailer, not sure if he will be playable though.


Play Monster Hunter!
It's just his legs, but Its clearly not a soldier, and his model is too high poly count to just be an NPC


Tired, But Strong
Not every hero was on the JL equivalent of that teaser image, not every villain is on theirs.
If the Achievement teaser is true with Killer Frost and Raven...

Why would Neatherealm leave main villains for 2 VERY KEY characters in the game...
Flash vs Captain Cold
Aquaman vs Black Manta

Ive heard ARES will be WW main Villain .
For one, I HIGHLY doubt Raven is stuck in with the villains. For another, what makes you think they're leaving out villains for Flash and Aquaman at all? There's plenty of roster space left.


For one, I HIGHLY doubt Raven is stuck in with the villains. For another, what makes you think they're leaving out villains for Flash and Aquaman at all? There's plenty of roster space left.
ive heard there was 4 or 5 more spots left on launch roster... 4 villains and a hero...


Thrill Kill
wasn't Gorilla Grodd rumored too?

Also, if Killer Frost is in the game, then Firestorm should be in too.


Play Monster Hunter!
wasn't Gorilla Grodd rumored too?

Also, if Killer Frost is in the game, then Firestorm should be in too.
Well I very much doubt that is Killer Frost, if she did get in however, it would be because of her appearances in cartoons and movies, not because of her connection to Firestorm, which they would never use.
We don't know if they have left out villains for them yet but I really don't think they have a set-in-stone hero/villain character matching rule when picking characters... I'm guessing they are just picking characters based on who would sell the most copies of the game. For example, if they think another Batman villain would be more well known and be bigger draw then a Flash or Aquaman villain then I'm sure they will pick the Batman villain.

W/ regards to Black Manta in particular, I wouldn't mind him but I'm not expecting it. It's been a long and hard campaign to get Aquaman himself some respect....getting fans to also accept a roster spot going to Black Manta might be pushing it.


Burn in my Light
I don't think every hero needs to have a villain or every villain needs to have a hero, but Mirror Master or Grodd still have chances at getting in and something about Ocean Masters boots so maybe he's in


We don't know if they have left out villains for them yet but I really don't think they have a set-in-stone hero/villain character matching rule when picking characters... I'm guessing they are just picking characters based on who would sell the most copies of the game. For example, if they think another Batman villain would be more well known and be bigger draw then a Flash or Aquaman villain then I'm sure they will pick the Batman villain.

W/ regards to Black Manta in particular, I wouldn't mind him but I'm not expecting it. It's been a long and hard campaign to get Aquaman himself some respect....getting fans to also accept a roster spot going to Black Manta might be pushing it.
i disagree.. If every other main JL has his /her counterpart then they should be consistent ....
ive heard there was 4 or 5 more spots left on launch roster... 4 villains and a hero...
No. A lot of people are ASSUMING that. We currently have 19 confirmed fighters with one that has been seen but not confirmed(Doomsday). But everyone is still using the character select screen from old builds to judge the roster and say it's at 24. It won't be. There's no way they'd go down to 24 characters after having, what, 28 in Mortal Kombat? And even if it is only 24 in the roster and Doomsday is confirmed...Raven for the heroes, plenty of room for Black Manta or Ocean Master, Killer Frost, and a Flash villain.


No. A lot of people are ASSUMING that. We currently have 19 confirmed fighters with one that has been seen but not confirmed(Doomsday). But everyone is still using the character select screen from old builds to judge the roster and say it's at 24. It won't be. There's no way they'd go down to 24 characters after having, what, 28 in Mortal Kombat? And even if it is only 24 in the roster and Doomsday is confirmed...Raven for the heroes, plenty of room for Black Manta or Ocean Master, Killer Frost, and a Flash villain.
maybe.......................... Well see
No. A lot of people are ASSUMING that. We currently have 19 confirmed fighters with one that has been seen but not confirmed(Doomsday). But everyone is still using the character select screen from old builds to judge the roster and say it's at 24. It won't be. There's no way they'd go down to 24 characters after having, what, 28 in Mortal Kombat? And even if it is only 24 in the roster and Doomsday is confirmed...Raven for the heroes, plenty of room for Black Manta or Ocean Master, Killer Frost, and a Flash villain.
Yea. In an early interview Hector Sanchez said the character select screen w/ 24 slots was just a temporary placeholder. Then they repeatedly said mid-twenties. They later said the game will have more content than MK9. I'm expecting 26 to 28 playable characters (on-disc, non-DLC) at launch...I don't think this game will launch w/ 24 b/c that seems to be noticeably less character content than MK9.
If Sinestro and Green Lantern have separate spots, then Aquaman and Ocean Master can easily be the same. Aquaman's moveset from what I can tell is not characteristic of Ocean Master at all. Ocean Master would use much more elemental, magical means of defeating his opponents rather than relying on the trident in its entirety.

Also, Hawkwoman has a semi-mainstream villain: Gentleman Ghost. An ages old spirit doomed to haunt the Earth after making a bargain with a demon. He would be an interesting character to see. I could see his gimmick being a powerup where instead of his usual white get up, it turns black and reveals his rotting body. I could see him with an eye laser, a phasing teleport, some magical attacks and plenty of cane work. He would definitely work as a sort of Johnny Cage figure (meaning at first, he would seem unimportant but at the end, he preforms some magical feat that helps end the game's plot.

I'm thinking our choices for a Flash villain can be narrowed down to a solid three: Captain Cold, Mirror Master and Gorilla Grodd. You can even knock out Captain Cold if we have Killer Frost in for sure and if you believe that gorilla in the Red Son DLC trailer is Grodd, then you've only got Mirror Master left. I still don't think that's Grodd because that stage appears to be on the outskirts of Gorilla City, annexed by the Regime. It seems odd that Gorilla City is a stage when no character currently known has any connection to it. We could even have two villains because it appears we could have Ares and Circe (at least, Ares.). Mirror Master does seem like a possibility or at least he does as long as he is alive in the comic. He also has a semi-designed look in the comic too. If you look closely, you can see an armor-like touch in his helmet design and military clothing as well.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
I'd like to see Black Manta over Ocean Master. I know an ok amount about DC, but honestly who the hell is Ocean Master. Before topics on this game I had no idea who that was. Black Manta's design based on poison, sonar, and traps would be so sick too. But those boots in the trailer do make it seem like it's sadly Ocean Master...

I think all the main 7 heroes in the story will get at least one main villain. Main seven in this game being:

Superman > Lex Luther
Batman > Bane, Joker, so and so
Green Lantern > Sinestro
Cyborg > Deathstroke
Wonder Woman > __________
Aquaman > ______________
Flash > ________________