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First thing you do in a match?


Wondering what you all do as the first thing with a given character in a match?

Depending on my opponents habits, I do a number of things.. but if you were to be matched up with a random.. what do you do (and with what character)?

A lot of people I play against (yes, online) jump backwards. When I'm playing as Sub Zero, I generally catch a lot of people with an ice blast as the very first thing I do. With Sektor, I jump kick towards them and attempt to link it with a TU.



Dash in, block low and D+3.

If I know the habits(jump) I'll flipkick, if they usually low poke I'll dash back and start up F4(roundhouse).

But usually on a random I will do a low poke.


"Thanks" button abuser.
Depends on my enemy's character and his playstyle.
But if he's a random, I'll walk back crouch block and then try to poke him for the first hit. Works most of the time.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
i play Raiden mostly so most people think i will teleport i usually capitalize on this by dashing in with a F24 which usually will get blocked, however that string pushes people to that distance where most people will try a jump in which i will always punish.

EDIT: This varies on a couple characters (i.e. Reptile, Sub-Zero, Mileena ect...)


One of 3 things. dash in and D4. 2,2 if they jump, or block. You cant beat the good ole block button as a safe way to start.


Come On Die Young
It depends on the character. 75% of the time it's an instant air fan. Sometimes it's a block if I'm anticipating a teleport or similar punishable move.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Soooooo many variables to consider, ill probably block or dash back, maybe dash forward d4. But every now n then ill get frisky and njp..juuuuuust in case :)

-b_s- :headbang:


A prop on the stage of life.
If its a random I'll njp. Most people play defensively so I usually have time to land and block anyway if they didn't jump in.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Usually I will start the match with one of the following:

1. Blocking, be it high or low.
2. Dashing backwards and preparing to react.
3. Jumping backwards.
4. Bounce - defined as jumping straight upwards and hitting 1 or 2.

Rarely will I ever use an attack as my beginning move, even a low poke. That's usually gonna hand your opponent the First Hit bonus if it fails.

Vulcan Hades

Backdash and counter poke. Especially vs characters like Sektor who like to abuse their godlike footsies on round start.


Dojo Trainee
On the first match I will play defensively but I'll try to remember how the other opened and see if I can counter it. I tend to keep two moves ready; one for countering an offense with combo or one for offense. Depends on who I play and what character he/she uses.


EX Ovi should launch
With smoke i usually open with B2,3 which is one of the fastest overhead starters , and it will hit from starting range easily and allow for a ~60% reset from the get go (if the f4 Ex bomb lands correctly). If they block my B2,3 then i can smoke bomb and go into D1xxD3,D4 pressure, and if they jump then i either finish the string with telepunch or smoke drift according to which way they jump (backwards the telepunch will catch them just before they land and forwards then the smoke drift gets you the fuck out of there!)

Only problem with this is when people that have fast specials (reptile dash, raiden fly) then it will hit me out, but thats usually only a threat online because i dont see opening the match with a punishable special a good way to start when youve thought it through properly.


Blue Blurs for Life!
With smoke i usually open with B2,3 which is one of the fastest overhead starters , and it will hit from starting range easily and allow for a ~60% reset from the get go (if the f4 Ex bomb lands correctly). If they block my B2,3 then i can smoke bomb and go into D1xxD3,D4 pressure, and if they jump then i either finish the string with telepunch or smoke drift according to which way they jump (backwards the telepunch will catch them just before they land and forwards then the smoke drift gets you the fuck out of there!)

Only problem with this is when people that have fast specials (reptile dash, raiden fly) then it will hit me out, but thats usually only a threat online because i dont see opening the match with a punishable special a good way to start when youve thought it through properly.
The overhead starter will only work if the opponent is either trying to back up or decides to block low. Also the Smoke Bomb is not safe on block, because I've found myself being countered effectively whenever they block the b3 to 2 to Smoke Bomb. I'd play it safe and end that string with Phase Towards or Phase Away instead to build meter and gain yourself some space.

You've already noted that fast specials can counter this starter very well, so I need not repeat that. Of course it's not often that a tactical player starts off a fight with any special move, but yeah.


EX Ovi should launch
Yeah the main objective of the overhead starter isnt supposed to catch them every time, its more of a tester/check than it is a combo starter.

Also with the B2,3 Smokebomb, its safe enough that unless somebody specifically knows what you are doing then the D1 will stuff them. Drifting out is definately what i should be doing and i know this, but the poke traps after smoke bomb is a gamble and it more often than not pays off for me.


You will BOW to me!
First thing you do in a match

Light a cigarette.Helps everytime

No for real now i try to get the first hit with low pokes so i can later destroy them with a big ass combo to get an early life lead.


Online Punching Bag
I generally block and try and learn their patterns and counter, I do try and attack strong rushdown characters first though like Kang or Cage.


Injustice on the magical April 16th :)
Many things. With Noob I could do:

1. Upkick
2. Tackle
3. Slide
4. NJP
5. Teleport
6. Jump in
7. Dash in and poke (or counter with poke if the start first)
8. Dash back and block
9. Just block
10. Jump back

I randomly select which one the first match with somebody, but start picking what will more likely work after that. Ex: My friend's Kitana often starts with a 2,1 string. I back up and punish.


Real Talker
As Kano I'll either dash block, dash d3, jump back down ball/air grab, or f11 depending on the match up/opponent. As Freddy I'll either teleport or dash block. As Ermac I often jump back or do nothing.


Kitana Prime aka MK's Rated R Superstar
Kitana player here. Pretty obvious, right? Anyway...

