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Final Round Top 8 predictions: One Week from today the madness begins Sunday 10am EST


missiles are coming
Guys have fun this weekend. I'm not sure who is going from the north east, as far as I know no one atm. Regardless, good luck to the ATL guys keeping 1st place @ home.


Top 3 I think will be between CD Jr, Pig and Detroit.

Wild card will be Tom Brady.

Perfect Legend definitely not going?


Come On Die Young
1. Tom Brady

If CDjr goes he won't lose to Detroit.

Oh and grand finals will be Raiden vs Kitana


Come On Die Young
Also, was my prediction just a placeholder for an even more hype prediction the night before pools? We'll find out.


Nightwolf wannabe
Wow, once i started typing a list I realized how many sick players are gonna be at this and had to delete it. A lot of damn good players are gonna get knocked out early. I think this tournament is gonna have some of the craziest matches I've seen since EVO. It's also gonna have some very surprising upsets, so if I made a list I know it would be wrong.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Hmm top 8?
1st Cd jr
2nd Reo
3rd CAT
4th maxter
5th Showtime
6th CD
7th Pig
8th Detroit (is he actually going?)

In the end I think it all has to do with the luck of the pools. I can already see a killer pool with like pig, cd jr, Showtime, Detroit, jt circus, Tom Brady. All in one pool. Possible because everyone is coming from different places.

Pools are gonna be loaded just like u listed