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Hellow, I bought a wwe fightstick and the joystick is very bad. I was thinking of replacing it with a semitsu ls-32 but I don't know what I need beside the joystick itself ( modifications, mounting plate, adaptors etc) I was thinking of buyng it from arcadeshop.de. Has anybody bought someting from them ?

edit: i posted in the wrong place sorry


Ice Pirate
What kind of stick do you have, some are modded easily, some harder & others can't be modded...
Arcadeshop.de is a good shop, and most goods arrive within 1 or 2 weeks after payment.
I have a wwe brawl stick but from what i can tell its a madcatz se stick with different artwork so it should be easy to modify. I don't know what parts i need exactly to buy
This video may help you skip halfway to the stick part

I never had a seimitsu, but from what I hear they are easy for mods, I'm sure you could work it in somehow.