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Fighting game or shooters community


Learn to draw the Rob Liefeld way
Now I don't know if bias will play in your answer, but try and be as unbiased as possible.

Now, this thought just came into my head.

On one hand you have the shooting community, those who play Call of Duty and whatnot.

Typical responses are - Little kids online calling you a [ban incoming], stop camping [ban incoming], stop using noobtube [ban incoming]([ban incoming] is your typical response from them)

And then you have your fighting game community. Those who play Street Fighter and Injustice, etc.

Fighting community is - Fight me IRL(definitely the most used), stop blocking/you're a blocking spammer, stop spamming/use different moves and/or combos than just the same one over and over, stop using OP characters

I think both communities, in general, have terrible online communities. It isn't until you really settle down and join a clan, and/or go to major tournaments, where you play people with the same mindset as you and don't complain and call you a "[ban incoming]" or tell you to "stop blocking" all the time.

Unfortunately, not everyone has that luxury, and some people can only deal with the online community(for me, it's too damn expensive traveling all around the USA for all of the major tournaments like UFGT and EVO, for example).

S0, I guess this comes to the big question - worst community is...?


Button Masher
Fighting community is - Fight me IRL(definitely the most used), stop blocking/you're a blocking spammer, stop spamming/use different moves and/or combos than just the same one over and over, stop using OP characters



Learn to draw the Rob Liefeld way
if your playing people wwho say that then ur probably queing for player matches or are in a chatroom.

you have a website here full of injustice players who can be respectful.

why not just play them..?
I do. I play with a few people on here from time to time. Awesome people.

You're missing the point of the thread, aren't you?


Button Masher
btw those same people who say that sorta shit are the COD players who just picked up injustice so they have something for when they get bored of COD while they wait for the next COD to come out.


Learn to draw the Rob Liefeld way
If you think FGC/MKC or FPS communities are bad, you haven't played a fucking MOBA.
Daaaaaaaaaaaamn. MOBA players. Yeah, they are terrible.

MMOs are also bad. WoW players online can be terrible and rude.

But yeah, let's just compare FPS and FGC for now. Seems like most people are more associated with them than they are MMO or MOBA communities.


NRS games have the worst luck when it comes to the online community. For.some reason all of the kids from the shooting game community migrate to NRS games lol. You barely find casuals this dumb in SF, or tekken etc.


1 2 3 drink
Welcome to the online
Fighting community is - Fight me IRL(definitely the most used)
Lol i never had a message like that before and i had alot of hatemail...

Btw what kind of a question is this to ask wich the worst community is?You have jerks in every community but to start a thread to talk about whos community the worst is? come on man...seems like your not really used to getting hatemail. :eek:

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
NRS games have the worst luck when it comes to the online community. For.some reason all of the kids from the shooting game community migrate to NRS games lol. You barely find casuals this dumb in SF, or tekken etc.
I slightly disagree. SCV when I was still playing it had a pretty shit online crowd as well. Though not as much rage-quitting, but as much hatemail and voice-chat intranet tough guys stuff.
Reactions: SLy


Dojo Trainee
NRS games have the worst luck when it comes to the online community. For.some reason all of the kids from the shooting game community migrate to NRS games lol. You barely find casuals this dumb in SF, or tekken etc.
Blood and gore, tits and dial a combos are going to attract a lot more kids.


Each community is split into 2 groups - online randoms and competitive players

The online randoms in both fighting and shooting games are both bad, maybe worse in shooters. From what I've seen, competitive players in the FGC are more friendly than the ones in shooters although I haven't really seen much high level competition in shooters. When I played Halo competitively I ran into a lot of elitists and whatnot but then again it's Halo lol. Don't really know much about CoD but I hear the community's not that great either. I'd go with FGC...I'm a little biased though.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Both these games attract lil 12 year olds that have bad mouths either way. Typically I mute everyone's mic online simply because, I don't need to here someone's whiney lil voice calling me a [ban incoming] or whatnot just because I kicked their ass, nor do I need to here shit talk because they kicked my ass,, I do not advocate gloating, if you win you win end of the story, if you lose consider your mistakes and try to make better of them, no one likes a sore winner or a sore loser. It all online and no one even knows who each other actually is, for all you or anyone knows the Presidnet could have just owned your ass on IGAU using Superman, hell the other day my wife told me to keep an eye out we could have all at one time faced off Seth Green, who is an apparenttly PSN player of IGAU and other FGs(don't quote me on that!). Niether community is worse than the other, although I do feel a lack of profesionalism in some of the higher ranked players in the big tourney scene, but I will not disclose names...

Now at least this isn't the last gaming community I was part of and still am from time to time, the Warhammer 40k community ( the table top game not any of the video games). This game would attract some the most annoying and worst shit talkers you could ever run into. We had straight up cheaters and what we called rules lawyers, my god those were the worse... For those who are curious a rules lawyer is a player that has to absolutely argue against every stinking rule in the game and then they tend to take the wording of a paticular rule and make it work in their defined way. We had the folks that would show up and throw there army down on the table and then when requested to present a an army list with ponts values on it (40k was a point based system), these player would come up with wild excuses of why they were able to use unit A and Unit Band that they didn't have their army's rule book. Anyway My point is yeah I prefer dealing with online idiots, rather tahn those morons from my old gaming community.


Yeah COD,LoL and DOTA communities are pretty much the worst out there, although Injustice isn't far behind. WoW is really bad too, I used to play WoW casually and I was invited in a guild with some people from my city. One of the guild members (14 years old) was a ridiculous shit-talker and started swearing for no reason because one day I asked him to join me in a dungeon. You couldn't imagine how scared and pathetic he was when he met me irl

As for fighting game communities, Injustice's is worst by far. Never before have I received so much hate mail. I accidentaly dced once due to bad connection and when I reconnected the other guy spammed me with threats and insults to family...Another guy sent me "Hey yo fat midget, come fight me IRL noob spammer" because I kicked his ass online. I bet all of these people are basement dwellers who are overweight and sitting with their dick in their hand all day

Funny enough, I looked up all the psn users that have sent me hatemail in google and almost all of them turned out to be gamefaqs posters!!!