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Question Fighting Game Anxiety?


Dojo Trainee
Am I the only one who gets a kind of anxiety after playing a certain amount of matches? I often find myself needing to take long breaks after playing a few matches. Anybody else feel anything like this?
Not that I recall, no.

There are people who take certain things differently than others; it's only natural for you to feel this way.


I start to feel a little weird because I'm still not used to the whole offline thing.

Before I picked up MK competitively all I knew with gaming was online. I didn't even want to play games with my friends offline. Anything from MMOs to FPSs. Its not that I feel intimidated, being around people and playing games is awkward for me. Thats why I have a hard time having a conversation with someone while playing. I'm sure some of you that played me offline have noticed.

It was the same thing for awhile with me playing guitar. At first all I only played to myself and never really showed anyone. When I started up a band it was awkward for me to even write anything with my own brother. Eventually I got over it the more I wrote with people and played shows. I don't get that same exposure in MK. Its still a bit weird for me since I can't play with people every day or play tournaments every week or so.

The anxiety varies with people. Some people are more out going than others or have no fears. I've always been a nervous wreck even if it was going up in front of the class to present a project in high school. Unfortunately nerves are still a problem for me but I'm slowly overcoming it.

edit; this is how i get anxiety from it. When I play online it doesn't bother me playing long sets