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Guide - Killer FacelessMan's Leatherface video series (Killer) - *Setplay*

Making a series on Leatherface, specifically Killer at the moment but I will be discussing matchups I think Lady Face is good for and Butcher applications.


Second Video: Pressure, BNBs, and PLUS FRAMES after combos

Following tech vids on CORNER (combos/setups), EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT REV CANCEL, and DEFENSE.

Any other Leatherface mains/players please tag me in tech so I can return the favor when I post new stuff =) Not sure who else is playing him. Valar Morghulis!


Northern Slasher

Heads or Tails X
Been playing a lot of Leatherface since his release. The block string is awesome! I like using it with F3 BS1 as well for mixing up and have had great success with it.

I never thought of ending combos with 22 though, thanks for sharing.