Salt Proprietor of TYM
I honestly can't say how legitimate this is yet because I haven't tested it out a lot yet, and it might not be news, but I have started trying to throw in the occasional F4 Ex OHS against wake and have gotten way better results than I would've expected. I haven't gotten hit by a wake up using it yet. I have tried it out on some very good ones too, including Shang's wake up Ex soul steal, wake up Ex Slides, both of Mileena wake up rolls, and a couple of others. The only time OHS didn't actually hit was against Mileena's rolls, but they still hit the armor and caused her to roll in the air for punish as if it were blocked. Like I said idk if this has been found already and I'm still not sure how useful it can be yet, but I am going to keep testing it and if the results prove fruitful I'll try to make a video.