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Extremely desperate. How to improve my internet connection


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
I honestly don't know what to do. I have been unable to play MKX online since day and I don't know why. My connection is wired with a LAN cable so it should have a stronger connection. However, when I tried wireless, my connection speed was the same.

Whenever I join a match, I immediately get a "game session is no longer available. " The guys I play here on TYM are the same that I played in Injustice With no problem.

I really have been enjoying the game a lot but when I have no local scene near me or offline friends even decent at the game that enjoyment is slowly going out the window. If a game takes over an hour to find a match in either player or ranked, something is definitely wrong. I thought the update was supposed to improve the netcode not make it completely unable to function

Anyone else have this issue? Did you find a way to fix it? How?
I disabled my firewall which might be risky though, but yeh I was desperate too. (this is different than making an exception to mkx application)

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
I honestly don't know what to do. I have been unable to play MKX online since day and I don't know why. My connection is wired with a LAN cable so it should have a stronger connection. However, when I tried wireless, my connection speed was the same.

Whenever I join a match, I immediately get a "game session is no longer available. " The guys I play here on TYM are the same that I played in Injustice With no problem.

I really have been enjoying the game a lot but when I have no local scene near me or offline friends even decent at the game that enjoyment is slowly going out the window. If a game takes over an hour to find a match in either player or ranked, something is definitely wrong. I thought the update was supposed to improve the netcode not make it completely unable to function

Anyone else have this issue? Did you find a way to fix it? How?
im having a similar problem, my matches dont always disconnect but almost every single one is very laggy and i made sure i had better internet than i had for injustice which was fine even when i played wireless. i have no idea why its so bad for mkx my ping is always good when i test it and always shows 3 bars but the connections i find in ranked are horrid and i lose to the worst players because i cant punish anything :(


Trust me, I'm a doctor
What system are you having trouble with? Also is it digital download?
If it is and its PSN you might have to go through and re-do the last update because it screwed the pooch on some people.
If its xbone then idk what to tell you.


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
What system are you having trouble with? Also is it digital download?
If it is and its PSN you might have to go through and re-do the last update because it screwed the pooch on some people.
If its xbone then idk what to tell you.
It's pan and a phsyical copy. Should I reinstall the patch?

Shania Twain

That Don't Impress Me Much
try connecting the modem directly to the system and see if that helps. if that works then that means it is likely the router. then you know some sort of setting is blocking it. if not...then I don't know. re-install patches I guess? or look to do a hard reset on the modem or reconfigure your internet settings on the system.


Tailgates & Tan-lines !
i'm not sure, My connection is kind of bad to but it's just because all I have is at&t in my area so I have to deal with their shitty service. Patiently waiting for google fiber to come to Georgia.


I'm really hoping I'm missing an option in this game, but beyond rooms, is there any fucking way to only filter for good connections with random player/ranked matches?!? I don't understand how Ranked can just keep pairing you with random connections. I can always play rooms for good connection (but wait several minutes to get a reading of the connection), but the online options really seem to be hiding "find only 3 bar".
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You think you bad? You aint bad.
Kinda like the way you can do in COD?
Sorry to bring up that horrid franchise.
But they gave that option.
SF i think automatically gave you even connections. So you know if jt was lag. You had crap service.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
From what I was told the game is suppose to match something close to your connection....


Pew pew pew
From what I was told the game is suppose to match something close to your connection....
Really? From my experience that doesn't seem to be true at all. Even when I'm playing and the game doesn't look like a slideshow, the input delay is unbearable. Basic combos that require very little timing and dropped regularly and punishing things is an uphill battle.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Really? From my experience that doesn't seem to be true at all. Even when I'm playing and the game doesn't look like a slideshow, the input delay is unbearable. Basic combos that require very little timing and dropped regularly and punishing things is an uphill battle.
Yeah but matching connection means if yours is bad it's two bad connections... So I don't think it helps anyone but people with superb ones... It should match by how close they are as that seems to have more to do with it...

Apex Kano

Kano Commando main MKX
This netcode is horrible. Straight up garbage. I'm running on Comcast high speed gaming 100mps and can't find a decent connection. We need dedicated servers ASAP!

Apex Kano

Kano Commando main MKX
How can I play like a best offline and play like a scrub online? Can't even land simple inputs online. Plain stupid.


They do, but i've had laggy matches with people with full green bars and non laggy ones with people that had 1 or 2 bars.
The connection status isn't accurate at all.
On top of that, you can not see 90% of the players connection because it shows blank.


I just hope NRS finds a way to help it a bit. I've played against guys who can punish like nobodies business, but for me, trying to land a d1,bf3 or the second jik before the f33lift, on a falling opponent, is near impossible. (Kitana) Many times I'll actually connect the jik but whiff during the f33 or lift due to them being too low.

Then I go into practice/single player and can't land worth crap due to so much time trying to compensate for latency online.

Drives me nuts.
25Mb UP / 5Mb DOWN
I've run two different tests showing anywhere from 12-30ping. But I swear there are times in MK it's a good 500ms

(inb4 muscle memory and all that..)