I'm curious if anyone has any fun ideas for an interesting exhibition match, or event, or tournament. Just thinking about something @CrimsonShadow touched on when he made his post about highest viewed videos, it seemed like exhibition matches typically got a lot of views/interest. Makes me wonder if tournaments/scenes should try to organize more of these to try and drum up more interest and exposure.
Just running through a list of basic ones, we have:
1. Auction tournaments. I like these, where players get to bid money for certain characters, and then play through a tournament with the character that they bought. Adds some interesting economics, and gives a chance at seeing some normally under-represented characters played by top players on stream.
2. FT10 style matches. Pretty simple, but effective. I remember for Injustice 2 Ketchup and Mustard had a YT series where they'd pick some character specialists and stream them in a FT10 match, that was again pretty nice to see certain characters showcased.
Some ideas that I have, probably bad but maybe interesting/something to build on:
3. Similar to an auction tournament, have a tournament but give certain characters more "lives" than others based on a completely arbitrary pre-determined tier list. For example, Johnny is only given 1 life, so losing one game with Jonny means you lose the match. While a lower tier character might have 2, 3, 4, X number of lives.
4. Have two teams consisting of 4-6 team members, split between offense and defense. The goal would be to compete against another team in a speed run through the Story Mode matchups, where one team's Offense will control the Protagonist character against the other team's defense controlling the Antagonist character. The offense can retry a loss until either they win or the match is over, but after each loss the offense has to change players. Same with the defense when they lose a match.
So basically a team's offense will try to progress through the story matchups as quickly as possible, while that team's defense will try and delay the other team's offense as long as possible, to see which team can get through the matchups/chapters first.
Basically just trying to figure out a way to do some kind of team style event.
Anyone have any other ideas that could make for a fun exhibition match or fun exhibition event?
I'm curious if anyone has any fun ideas for an interesting exhibition match, or event, or tournament. Just thinking about something @CrimsonShadow touched on when he made his post about highest viewed videos, it seemed like exhibition matches typically got a lot of views/interest. Makes me wonder if tournaments/scenes should try to organize more of these to try and drum up more interest and exposure.
Just running through a list of basic ones, we have:
1. Auction tournaments. I like these, where players get to bid money for certain characters, and then play through a tournament with the character that they bought. Adds some interesting economics, and gives a chance at seeing some normally under-represented characters played by top players on stream.
2. FT10 style matches. Pretty simple, but effective. I remember for Injustice 2 Ketchup and Mustard had a YT series where they'd pick some character specialists and stream them in a FT10 match, that was again pretty nice to see certain characters showcased.
Some ideas that I have, probably bad but maybe interesting/something to build on:
3. Similar to an auction tournament, have a tournament but give certain characters more "lives" than others based on a completely arbitrary pre-determined tier list. For example, Johnny is only given 1 life, so losing one game with Jonny means you lose the match. While a lower tier character might have 2, 3, 4, X number of lives.
4. Have two teams consisting of 4-6 team members, split between offense and defense. The goal would be to compete against another team in a speed run through the Story Mode matchups, where one team's Offense will control the Protagonist character against the other team's defense controlling the Antagonist character. The offense can retry a loss until either they win or the match is over, but after each loss the offense has to change players. Same with the defense when they lose a match.
So basically a team's offense will try to progress through the story matchups as quickly as possible, while that team's defense will try and delay the other team's offense as long as possible, to see which team can get through the matchups/chapters first.
Basically just trying to figure out a way to do some kind of team style event.
Anyone have any other ideas that could make for a fun exhibition match or fun exhibition event?