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EVO Rooming July 10-12 2014!


the bop slow mannn. @HandySavageKH - twitter
What's up dudes, Sweet Savage here from Houston Texas. After a lot of thought and winning a little bit of money at a out of town local this weekend. I've decided to use the money to get to Evo World championship series for my second year!

I decided to make EVO my first tourney last year & am ready for the Vegas life for a couple days. This time I'm being a little bit smarter with my means of transportation though. Learned the hard way Vegas is expensive as hell.

I'm planning on arriving in Vegas around 8 pm Friday July 10th & looking to room with 1,2,3, hell even 4 to 5 people with the idea of making the few days affordable, hype, and all around a goo experience.

Hit me back up on here or add/message me @ facebook.com/jacobyromain
