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EVO Hotel Accomodations


TYM White Knight
Hey guys, Evo possibility here, but I would have to make sure that I had a room secured before I booked.

My first two rules of travel are 1) Have a way there and home, and 2) Have a place to lay your head.

Has anyone booked their trips to evo yet and secured a hotel room? If so, I wouldn't mind chipping in to stay. Looking like a Thursday to Monday trip for me if I can manage to make it. The sooner I can secure a spot to sleep, the sooner I can book.

I would like absolutely 100% chance of a room. I don't want anyone pulling out. It has to be payed/I will pay someone who has already payed.

Let me know!

All others can use this thread to find accomadations as well.


TYM White Knight
Bumping this because I still need to secure a place to stay. I need to know by friday. I don't bite! I am also a very generous drunk!