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Etiquette for Game Headphones at Tournaments

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
Since it seems that connecting a pair of game headphones to an Asus monitor keeps any sound from coming through the monitor's speakers, is there any sort of unwritten rule or etiquette for using a pair; in the event that only one player possesses said headphones?


You inspire no fear.
I'm assuming that if a player wants to listen to game sound, then they'd have headphones already with them, correct? So if one person doesn't have headphones, would that not mean they don't care whether they hear the game sound or not?
Since it seems that connecting a pair of game headphones to an Asus monitor keeps any sound from coming through the monitor's speakers, is there any sort of unwritten rule or etiquette for using a pair; in the event that only one player possesses said headphones?
I don't think this comes up often enough for there to be any clearly defined etiquette for it. You could just ask your opponent if they mind. But as Shadow three hundred and sixteen mentioned, if they don't have headphones then they probably don't care about game sound anyways; without headphones you aren't gonna hear shit from an Asus that's not hooked up to speakers.