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ERMAC! (Unofficial)


That Welsh Guy
This IS an unofficial photo shopping of Scorpions character model to look like Ermac, but wouldn't you want a skin like this for Ermac?
I have a bad feeling that the characters Ermac/Reptile will look more like the beasts they are and were in MK9 rather than having the classic Ninja look they always had, But I 100% WANT an alt skin for them just like this (Provided they're both in the game which I have a feeling they will be)



I really like that edit. Give whoever did it my props, would you? =D

That's one of the things I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing; what the other character designs are going to be.


That Welsh Guy
I really like that edit. Give whoever did it my props, would you? =D

That's one of the things I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing; what the other character designs are going to be.
If I can find them again i'm going to PM them and tell him people like his edit and see if he's got anymore.


That Welsh Guy
I like Sub Zero's design, too. I don't know if that action trailer was how they'll look but that mask he had looked sick
That is no doubt how they will look, We can question everything in the trailer BUT their appearance, they would not spend so much time making them look that way to change their look in game.