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Ermac Finally Discovered?

I don't know about you but I thought this was really interesting.

I was checking my usual sites the other day when I came across a post by someone named Jion_Wansu, who was talking about a bug he experienced which I've personally seen through MAME via YouTube (though I can't find it anywhere now). While I can't yet confirm it since I haven't figured out how to induce the bug, it makes sense and I have no reason to doubt his claim that this is an Ermac in Mortal Kombat:

Now before anybody tries to do the glitch, I'd like to note that Ermacs were removed from the T-Unit audit screens. But basically this is what happens:

After the first round ends (possibly under awkward conditions, moves still being done into the next round etc.), the second round begins and is immediately declared a draw - one of the players will instantly go into their win pose while the other goes into their dizzy animation. Once the draw announcement is over, the game starts round three.

The reason this is important is because, to the best of my knowledge, it has never been documented exactly what triggers an Ermac and causes the counter to go up in the audits. His Ermac was Kang P1 vs Sub CPU on round 1, though my findings show it's more likely to happen on round 2.
I knew I saw it somewhere! Thanks for posting it man :)

I have to figure out what triggers the bug and perform it on a revision 4 Y-Unit since that was the last board to have Ermacs in the audits menu. Once it happens if I go into the test menu and see "Ermacs - 1" in the audits we'll finally know what it really was.


Elder God
you can do special moves before the round starts with double KO. also, dreadish vid is from t-unit. really cool glitch, but i dont think this is ermacs