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EN SFB Questions


Scrublord McGee
Assume all these questions are based on follow-ups to EN SFB Elbow [whiff] set-ups

1. Is it relatively effective, or at least safe, to pressure with 3,2 or 3,2,1 before the EN SFB hits? If so, how many repetitions of each?

2. Can Slide, Acid Hand, or D4 combo into EN SFB if timed appropriately? If so, how strict is timing?

3. If an opponent techs a throw or uses a breaker early, can they recover in time to block the EN SFB. If not, how effective would the punish be?

Was inspired by [MENTION=3915]Scoot Magee[/MENTION]'s Combo after a throw thread, and was wondering if EN SFB at the right distance was nigh-impossible to fight in certain matchups.
1. Yes. 32 and 321 are 0 on block. How many times you can do these strings on block depends on how far away the sfb is.

2. It's possible to combo off slide and acid hand, but it's pretty tough. It's probably easier to combo off acid hand in the corner. D4 it's possible, but probably not beneficial since it'll likely scale more. I haven't tested so I can't confirm.

3. Depends on how far away the sfb is. If they tech the throw and get hit by sfb, you'll probably suffer some delay but you should have enough time to do 32 ffb. This is assuming you don't get knocked down. If they opponent doesn't tech the throw, you'll get knocked down and the opponent will get launched. Here, you'll have to do a tech roll and then combo.

Ex fb is actually advantage on block at point blank, so you won't ever have to worry about getting punished.