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Emperor Max wins Galloping Ghost Arcade's Ghost Battle Series #8!

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Chicago's reckoning! Despite falling short in two previous grand finals Max's Bane couldn't be stopped this week with a convincing 3-0 victory against GGA 16 Bit in the grand finals. Using Bane the entire tournament Max steamrolled through GGA's own Fill Pops, consistent top placing Doomsday NRF "Saucy Jack" ImNewbieSauce and two time GBS winner Slips to win his first GBS and become the first non Team GGA member to win our weekly series.

Thanks to everyone who attends these events and watches the streams every week. Stay tuned next week for even more mid tier shenanigans, upsets, hype and salt. Same bat time, same bat stream channel.

Final Top 8 results:
1. Emperor Max(Bane)
2. GGA 16 Bit(Catwoman)
3. GGA Slips(Scorpian)
4. NRF ImNewbieSauce(Doomsday)
5. GGA PimPimJim(Hawkgirl, Zatanna, Shazam)
5. Hruza Da Bruza(Nightwing)
7. McCutty Mayhem(Harley Quinn)
7. GGA Jeremiah(Martian Manhunter)

Bracket: http://challonge.com/GallopingGhostArcade8

Stream archive: http://www.twitch.tv/gallopingghostarcade/b/469093766

Youtube playlist: Coming soon

Seeding Points tracking: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At8xfkgcpIQfdEgzbEQyalZ2dDhvM2NOd0pnQUJ3MGc#gid=0

1. GGA Pimpimjim 35 points
2. GGA 16 Bit 30 points
3. NRF ImNewbieSauce 25 points
4. GGA Slips 25 Points
5. GGA HAN 17 points
6. Emperor Max 17 points
7. GGA Soonkerman 11 points
8. McCutty Mayhem 8 points


I like to play bad characters
Congrats Max. The league is pleased with all the Banes coming out of the shadows.

Shameless Bane plugs I know, but other Banes know what I'm talking about.

Mr. Mileena

A very well deserved win by Max.

Goes to show you, even though I downplay the hell out of Zatanna and cry a lot :(, this game is pretty balanced and props goes to the player, not so much the character.

Love how GGA has very diverse character showings at these weeklys


Death's Trusty Side-Kick!
That Archive footage is horrible, you can't even see the matches or combo percentages or even health bars. But, Nice Job with Bane!

GGA Saucy Jack

The artist formerly known as ImNewbieSauce
Just rewatched the stream footage. ImNewbieSauce, you make me so sad for being a mouth breather ._.
Wafflez face. You are being compared to The Smoke of the world. That's a good thing.

Congrats to Maxintensity25. Well earned win. Im still free to you...need to figure that out....and my loss to GGA 16 Bit will haunt me until I stop playing video games.

Also props to GGA Slips for getting top 3 with all ScorpiAn


Congratulations Maxintensity25, your Bane was on point last night!
Very good games to the entire GGA crew as well; I really enjoy watching your stream for the character diversity and (obvious) high level of play.
Looking forward to the next one guys.