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Ed Boon Posts Teaser Images of Sindel

With Sindel coming in a few weeks, Ed Boon has been posting some teasers up on Twitter. Not much to talk about beyond her looking cool and purple, so check it all out below:


The timer thing at the bottom suggests that he pulled this from whatever trailer they put together, which further suggests it should be dropping soon. Keep an eye out for that and here's another one from earlier in the week (if you missed it).



I find it funny when people who took time out their lives to make an account on a website to talk about video games, call other people on the site nerds
You realize how dumb you sound right? Lol
Maybe to you. But if I cared what you think I'd not only be a nerd but I'd be a loser too hahahahahaha.

And yea the five minutes it took to make my profile.... damn what a chunk of life I'll never get back. lol
Another female covered head to toe. I hate 2019. My wife won’t let me eat Chic-fil-a. Ed boon won’t let me see boobs. TYM won’t let me say (soap bar in my mouth). Hell, my kids even say happy meals are causing deforestation. C’mon Ed, make MK great again.
LOL yep. Not allowed to even make jokes now cause even if the joke is not personally derogatory about a person but uses a term that offends anyone "take down" culture says your a bigoted tyrant.

What does soap bar in my mouth even mean?
She looks SO good! Her trailer can't come soon enough, also curious to see if we'll have any MK3 influenced costumes, loved her palette when it had more black in it. Also the little jacket/vest thing, I would live for it.

This screen makes me believe the hair is gonna be customizable, considering the top part looks VERY separate from the rest, we might be able to switch the hairstyle on the top, which is likely not being animated like the rest, so no complications there.
I find it funny when people who took time out their lives to make an account on a website to talk about video games, call other people on the site nerds
You realize how dumb you sound right? Lol
This is like the other day some guy was saying psn is lame because u can block people. Everyone should be forced to read his hate messages. When I responded he came back with “I don’t lab cuz my time is too valuable, I’d rather be trying to find some female to smash”. I’m like mmmk too busy to lab but u can come here and also type out hate mail on psn?

Anyway, Sindel looks sick and I can’t wait to see what kind of stuff that hair can do. Guessing some restand,long reaching low (please no hair meter less launcher low) maybe command grab?
Another female covered head to toe. I hate 2019. My wife won’t let me eat Chic-fil-a. Ed boon won’t let me see boobs. TYM won’t let me say (soap bar in my mouth). Hell, my kids even say happy meals are causing deforestation. C’mon Ed, make MK great again.
Don't worry , we're in the tail end of this pc wave.