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Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
Hey there, does anyone use one of these?


I saw a video here of someone using one and I really want to know if they work. It's a cheaper solution than a Hitbox, or making my own. I grew up on PC gaming so this would suit me. My hands are just too damn big for the PS3 pad (my left thumb extended can easily touch the Square button), it's hard to pull off certain movements with 100% accuracy, especially after gaming for a few hours. Hands start to hurt like a bitch.

Please review if you've had experience with it. Thanks.


EX Ovi should launch
Was going to get one of these some time back, a friend of mine plays cod with it and its laggy and juttery, but that was the mouse capabilities of it. I cant be dissing it without trying it, but to pay all that money only to find out its shitty. Hope someone can be more helpful than me but i just wanted to add the info that i could!

btw even with its juttering using a mouse + keyboard on console fps games is really overpowered, and you say your a vet keyboard player so i can imagine you would be dangerous with one of these!

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
I would be super deadly with a keyboard. Plus, it's so damn customizable unlike a hitbox. What if I dropped $120 on makign my own and ended up hating it? I just need someone to confirm. It has pretty decent reviews on Amazon, but no one talks about Fighters...


Get staffed bro
My friend uses one to play cod3 and yes he rapes hard. Personally I think its massively cheating, way more of an advantage than a hitbox for MK gives you. The great thing about console FPS, in fact probably the only good thing compared to PC, is a level playing field. Each to their own though.


My friend uses one to play cod3 and yes he rapes hard. Personally I think its massively cheating, way more of an advantage than a hitbox for MK gives you. The great thing about console FPS, in fact probably the only good thing compared to PC, is a level playing field. Each to their own though.
Bah, good FPS players are handicaped when forced to use a pad. The pad stucks for FPS games, and if someone can get back to kbd + mouse, more power to them.


Get staffed bro
Bah, good FPS players are handicaped when forced to use a pad. The pad stucks for FPS games, and if someone can get back to kbd + mouse, more power to them.
I personally couldn't get any sense of achievement from winning knowing that I have an advantage over everyone else. Yes the pad sucks for FPS which is why I will only ever play FPS on a PC.


I personally couldn't get any sense of achievement from winning knowing that I have an advantage over everyone else. Yes the pad sucks for FPS which is why I will only ever play FPS on a PC.
That's a good point, but you could just let people know you're using one and recommend one too. If they dont, that would be their loss.