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Dumbass Drivers


Forum General Emeritus
I'm going to start posting videos of bad drivers to YouTube. Caught one this past week...



I lol'd ;D

But, you're so rigth though..

I hate people that are stupid in general, more so when they possibly endanger other people.

Take the next exit, what's the big deal right?
Florida seems to be pretty bad this time of year because of the snowbirds coming down and clogging up the road. Old-as-fuck people that can't differentiate between the gas and brake and think "man, if 45 is the speed limit, 25 must be even safer!"

Also the teenage girls that drive crazy as shit, talking on their phones and not paying attention. Ridiculous.

Tim Static

There are stupid people driving everywhere. Doesnt matter where you live. People are ignorant, mean and selfish. This isnt new, and its not changing anytime soon. :/
Moscow, downtown. December, 2010. Mad driver has crashed about 20 cars (here is shown couple last minutes of video, nobody could record from the beginning) and fight with a policeman. Next, he has been seized and got the serious kick ass from owners of the crashed cars and sent to court in a result. Till now there is a proceeding.


Tim Static

ScheissNussen said:
I remember when 3rd Strike was first emulated on mame. It was during the 4th of July weekend and I heard a loud *BoOm*. I didn't even get up to look, I just kept playing 3rd Strike with kazlaz at first because I thought someone was lighting off fireworks.

Here this guy I knew from high school was drunk and drove his truck directly into my neighbors house across the street. She was sleeping in bed, and his truck went through her brick wall and punched the headboard to her bed, which threw her across her bedroom into the corner of the other side of her room. (She was elderly too, like 70+ish). I didn't check until my house was surrounded with red and blue lights.
LMAO WUT? I couldnt even make up a story like that!! wow! lol
I was in a car with my mate who was driving. we were on a duel carriageway going 70mph and the car in front decides to suddenly pull over giving no warning. Almost smashed into them.