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Dromstruction - Davis' First Major! (MK9!) Freeborn Hall Oct 22-23. Davis, CA (Nor-Cal Area)

Wassup everyone,

My name is Sammy, also known as oneJzGTE or 1jz for short, you guys may have seen me on last months Capital City Colosseum MK Tournament held at H20_Farmer's home.

I just wanted to let you guys know there is going to be a huge major here in the Nor-Cal scene held at the very small and humble city of Davis, CA; and of course Mortal Kombat 9 will be there!

The mastermind behind all of this is provided by Jenkins Mitchell and he has appointed me as the Mortal Kombat community representative for the event. There are a few Mortal Kombat players here in Davis but unfortunately the scene is not very strong, but that shouldn't discourage you all from coming out! We're hoping to see everyone from all over California here at the event so come out and compete and represent the MK community!. So, please check out out the following information and sign up because its going to be big!

I'm currently schooling here at UC Davis and the address can be a little confusing. So if you have any questions please feel free to PM me and I will be more than happy to help you.

Here's a little quick overview of the tournament along with important links for further information:

What: Dromstruction Fighting Video Game Tournament
Format: Playstation 3
Cost: $30 Venue Fee + $10 Per Game
When: October 22-23 2011. Doors open at 10am both days.
Where: Freeborn Hall
Peter J Shields Ave
UC Davis
Davis, CA 95616


For pictures of the venue : https://www.facebook.com/dromstruction?ref=ts

[email protected]

Twitter: @dromstruction

Google+ [email protected] or click here for a Google+ invite.

Dromstruction is a large-scale fighting video game tournament to be held in October of 2011. The event will be a two-day, weekend event with the most popular fighting games such as: Super Street Fighter IV, Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Tekken 6 as the center of the competition. We will have specialty vendors and a HD live-stream of feature matches distributed via UC Davis' T1 internet connection.

The event will be held at Freeborn Hall on UC Davis campus, a 12,000+ sq ft venue with very nice amenities including a stage with projector and big screen, tier/stadium seating and extremely fast internet.

Rules are detailed on the Dromstruction website under "Rules & About" but here's a small snippet of the MK9 rules and format:

-Bring your own controller (or borrow one).
- Sony brand Sixaxis and Dual Shock 3 controllers are banned (to prevent accidental match interference).
-Will have inPin converters PS2 to PS3 being sold on site at the venue.
-Programmable controls are banned. In-game button macros are ok.
-Game-breaking glitches are banned

Double Elimination

-A match consists of best two out of three games
-A game consists of best two out of three rounds
-All rounds will be played with the default round clock time (90 seconds).
-All tournaments are run on a double elimination bracket. This means a player is still in the tournament until he/she loses two matc hes in total. If a player loses a match in grand finals, but has not suffered any other losses in that tournament, the loss is recorded and a “reset” occurs (a new match is started).
-Grand Finals matches are three out of five games.

All players in top 32 who lose a round in which they did no damage to their opponent will be awarded with a pack of “Stayfree” maxi pads.

That's right "Stayfree" maxi pads, so don't get perfected if you're in top 32, keeping it hype!

1. The character “Cyrax” in the Mortal Kombat 3 skin is banned.
2. The character “Smoke” in the Mortal Kombat 2 skin is banned.
3. The character “Noob” in the Mortal Kombat 2 skin is banned.
4. The character “Kratos” is banned.
5. If the stage “Chamber of the Flame” is chosen, any player may choose another stage before the game starts.
6. Kombat Codes are banned except: No Blood; Zombie Kombat; Foreground Objects Disabled; & Classic Music.
Loser of a game may choose a new stage (except “Chamber of the Flame”)

Hope to see you all there!


Why was this not a sticky? I'm very upset.

Is there going to be a stream?


By the way this is not even in the event calendar, I feel this is going to be very under represented by the test your might community because it seems this event has nto been properly advertised here

I took the liberty of updating this event on the event calendar so people could see it


Awwww u not comin to this either krayzie? Wats the next tournament u lookin at?
I didn't even know about it, and sadly... I had the money.

I'll be at NEC and SCR this year. Maybe NWM, but that's a big maybe.


If you ordered an inpin converter from them, they dont have any so i would get in contact with them ASAP

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Ermacdre: Yeah man I remember you. Are you still playing Ermac? I look forward to talking and getting some games in.

Arydious: hold up, who is out if Inpin converters? the venue? If that is the case I am in serious trouble. I was going to buy one there because no place around here seems to sell them. I remember reading that they would be sold at the venue. I wasn't aware that you could order them.


TSungSupreme, Yes the venue had some major issues i was talking with the jenkins guy because i was going to pick mine up tomorrow night when i arrive. He told me that he had usb ps3 controllers for much cheaper than the 55 inpin converter and ps2 controller combo though.

This implies to me he is going to allow these controllers into the tournament, but I sent him a second email to clarify as soon as i know ill let you know. PM me your phone number or what not and I can even give you a call.

Ermac Dre

AKA SaikyoStyle
Ermacdre: Yeah man I remember you. Are you still playing Ermac? I look forward to talking and getting some games in.
I haven't played since NCR because I was so salty from losing to two Shang Tsung players, haha. I really should see what this most recent patch is about since I plan on helping the stream team. Maybe we can get some casuals in. I'll be cheering for you too.