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Driving With Preon E3 Special

Probably should've gone with a different title. Let's take a moment to analyze how fucking pretentious that title is and how the community should take all the pot shots and attempts to demoralize me to bring me and this thread back to earth!

Kliff Notes: Nintendo's conference>Microsoft's conference>Sony's conference and a black man drives and yells. Thoughts, comments, concerns?

My Thoughts on Sony's Performance

For Sony the only thing that gave me any sort of "Wow" factor during their presentation was MKX... Which once again is a multiplat. I like Sony, I really do, however Ratchet and Clank had me hype for half a second and then... its a movie... not a game. Not so fond of E3-TV show type phenomona. Little Big Planet 3 is just LBP3 nothing too crazy there. However it'd be nice to see how next gen engines/physics play a part in the gameplay. Let it Die reminds me of manhunt, but until I see Gameplay I refuse to count it as a positive or a negative it just exists as filler. So Sony had more Filler than One Piece (Anime) and speaking of Let it Die, the same goes for Bloodbourne.

My Thoughts on Microsoft's Performance

I saw a new Crackdown, that could be hype. The Halo Collection is actually a damn good idea especially since it works as a bonus ticket to the Halo 5 Beta. It'll help new people get fully immersed into a semi-next gen feel for the Halo games and can let old fans who missed out on a game or two get back into the saddle. Although as a re-release and repackage it could be a shoulder shrug and a half for some. Fable is kind of.... well... to be honest... mediocre at best in its last outing Fable 3. They'll have a lot to prove this time around. Seems like lots of games... without the ability to come up with something NEW and BOLD.. well there is Dragon's May Cry (I mean Scalebound).

My Thoughts on the nWo's Performance

Damn son. Damn. Hype Confirmed.

So what exactly did you guys like most from these conferences and other little tiny conferences that happened to be streamed? To be fair I was at work for a lot of the specific ones like EA, Ubisoft, ect. However how's 2015 going to Play Out?