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Don't know if anybody uses this

Hey I'm sure people have used this stuff before, I've read some of the other threads about mix-ups/crossup mix-ups but I didn't see this, so if it has been posted my bad.

Something I've started to use to mix things up, which seems to screw up people's wakeups and it seems like it automatically makes the other person get up with you standing there over them (now, them using a wakeup is possible but it just seems harder). The times ive done it in real matches, against some pretty good players its worked, a couple times they used a wakeup, a few times I just started hitting them and they got hit right away because the wakeup got screwed up/they were confused or ive just started hitting them and going into more pressure.

Basically all you do is end your combo with 321 and then dash and you end up on the other side of them with them basically having to stand up right away and having a limited time to put in wakeup. If you delay the dash for a second you'll end up in front of them. So I suppose you could start mixing these up so they don't know which way they'll have to input the wakeup attack.

Let me know how this stuff works for you guys...again if it's been posted before i'm sorry!

Also as an edit...there are variations to this like you can just end with 3 dash and you will end up on the other side in a good range to jump in punch and of course there's the 32 slide whiff that muffin muggers (spelling) posted so these are kind of just variations on that some idea.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
If you hit them with 321 then it'd be a waste to not go for the njp combo. But yes, the elbow dash can be and is often used to mess up people's wakeups. I sometimes do not hit confirm the njp and instead will do what you mentioned, but most of the time you're better off hitting the njp combo
I'm talking about at the end of the combo...122, or 321 combo, after the njp...so it would be 321 dash njp ffb 32 sfb 321 dash. or delayed dash

edit: I would never do 321 dash just by itself in place of getting a full combo


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Oh my bad lol. Yeah at the end of njp combo I do like to use elbow dash sometimes depending on who I am fighting against. I like to switch it up between forceball and invis mostly but I will use the elbow dash if I want to make the pace of the fight fast and give them no room to breathe. I think it is mostly a situational mixup and relies on how the opponent is playing. When I dash past them I like to crossover as they are getting up to further mess around with their controls.
yeah exactly, I'm not saying to use it everytime and I figure anyone who plays reptile on a regular basis might use it already but I just wanted to add something being a reptile player myself. Yeah I do the same i'll throw a forceball, i'll do the dash crossover ill go invis at the end of the combo. Whatever seems right. Anyways, it seems like people already know it but I guess maybe someone will see it that hasn't done it before and hopefully it will help them!
I have thought about this already and had tested it.. 321 bnb or 122 bnb then end with 321 dash. Now right when you are on top, if you hit down 4 you are automatically on the other side. The problem with this is why not just do, 321 bnb end with 321 then do triple dash. This would have the same effect but you get to build meter.


I like to finish a combo with 3 2 1 invisibility. Immediately dash and you're in their face. The invisibility causes so many players to block instead of trying to wakeup and I can jump in to build more pressure. If I get poked out of it, well it's better than eating a wakeup attack with invincibility.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
I like to finish a combo with 3 2 1 invisibility. Immediately dash and you're in their face. The invisibility causes so many players to block instead of trying to wakeup and I can jump in to build more pressure. If I get poked out of it, well it's better than eating a wakeup attack with invincibility.
This is typically what I do. I do this more often than pressure with forceball at the end

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I like to finish a combo with 3 2 1 invisibility. Immediately dash and you're in their face. The invisibility causes so many players to block instead of trying to wakeup and I can jump in to build more pressure. If I get poked out of it, well it's better than eating a wakeup attack with invincibility.
Cool. I just learned a new tool to use.