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Does every Kharacter in this game have good standing AA normals?

HD Smoke

It wasnt til a few months ago that i learned my two mains AA's (with Smokes Standing 2 as a anti air and Noob's standing 1) were so good. I thought it was cool because you get hit hard with a AA combo now if you try to jump in on them. Last night after watching metzos (or however you spell it) use a absolutely sick normal anti air with Ermac made me start to think every kharacter in this game has a good normal that can be used to anti air. Is this true or not? Does some of the roster have bad properties on there normals to where you cant anti air with a standing normal? Obviously some are better than others due to damage output (Smoke and Ermac can do alot of damage with normal anti airs) but i would like to know from people who play other kharacters if they have a good standing AA? Thanks any help i appreciate.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Some are better than others but everybody has at least 1.

And then theres Johnny Cage, where u can press any button and its an AA move :D

Mr. Mileena

Sindel- 1 into scream
her 3 is an AA, but not reliable.

Kitana- 2 and 3 (1 and 4 do as well, but again, totally not reliable)

Jade - 1. or 1,2


xbl-OBS trustinme
nightwolfs standing 1 is a fantastic antiair,the damage that comes after is ok and it's very reliable.