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Do you think...


They optimized the PS3 version of Injustice? MK9 on PS3 has HORRIBLE slowdown/lag issues(Mainly X-rays and stages), so bad at times to where the game almost stops. I think this may have been the reason why they always used the XBOx 360 version at showcases, because of the Ps3 version's issues. Do you think they will minimize this with Injustice?


A prop on the stage of life.
Making the games run most efficiently on multiple platforms would mean making the game x amount of times over. PS3 reads discs differently and is in a different format.

Now I've heard pray tell..that the 360 (dvd) platform is more developer friendly. This could also be because it came out a year earlier..but at this point I think thats a non issue. In any event..most third party titles are made on the 360 and ported to the ps3. Unless they go back and try and rework some code for the ps3 version...expect....differences.
NRS don´t have any excuse for not making it work, alot of companies make the ps3 and xbox360 version work just fine, so all this about them work different is a a** of a excuse.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Making the games run most efficiently on multiple platforms would mean making the game x amount of times over. PS3 reads discs differently and is in a different format.

Now I've heard pray tell..that the 360 (dvd) platform is more developer friendly. This could also be because it came out a year earlier..but at this point I think thats a non issue. In any event..most third party titles are made on the 360 and ported to the ps3. Unless they go back and try and rework some code for the ps3 version...expect....differences.
Its is. From what coders tell me 360 even has a really good glitch testing thing in its dev kit that aids coders tremendously. What do you expect? Microsoft, who makes PC's and arguably the biggest and most popular Operating System out there made that console. Of course it would be easier for coders to work with. Sadly though if you dev for one you can run into problems porting to another. The Skullgirls gang found out the hardway that the PS3 and 360 read data differently and it forced a ton of load times on the 360 version of their game. It works both ways. If they developed for 360 last time then I'd expect PS3 to need optimizing to work as well this time.


This has never happened to anyone ever.

If you mean the game freezes then sure, but that happens in both consoles.
No the lag/slowdown of an X-Ray getting so bad the game almost stops for a moment, it has happened dozens of times. Just look at some old MK9 X-Ray videos on the PS3, you can see how the difference.


Making the games run most efficiently on multiple platforms would mean making the game x amount of times over. PS3 reads discs differently and is in a different format.

Now I've heard pray tell..that the 360 (dvd) platform is more developer friendly. This could also be because it came out a year earlier..but at this point I think thats a non issue. In any event..most third party titles are made on the 360 and ported to the ps3. Unless they go back and try and rework some code for the ps3 version...expect....differences.
There are no differences between the two minus the PS3's slowdowns. Different systems or not, this needed ALOT more optimization that is undeniable. More than half of the cast's X-Rays, and fatalities NEVER run full speed. Now I expect some minor slowdown during certain things such as Test Your Luck, where there are many things going on(and the slowdown may be the worse in TYL), but there is always slowdown even in an average-normal fight. There has even been times where the sound will play before the action(in Sonya's X-Ray), and stages like Hell, Street, good gosh... You need to main things for a game to be successful, the two PPs(Performance and Presentation). The PS3 version lacked the performance BIG time.


I was under the impression that PS3 versions were pretty much downgraded due to the fact that X-Box's can't handle some of the things that it can and as such it isn't running at full capacity.
I was under the impression that PS3 versions were pretty much downgraded due to the fact that X-Box's can't handle some of the things that it can and as such it isn't running at full capacity.
Hell no.

To sum it up understandable: The PS3 is a bitch to code the games for, while the X-Box 360 makes it much, much easier for the developers. They tend to port the games later on to the PS3 and some of the ports end up being ridiculously bad like for example Bayonetta.