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Do you REALLY care about tiers?


"On your Knees!"
I mean do you really care about them? or do you just do them b/c so you have something to do? I've been wondering this for a long while and I have been watching alot of videos in casuals, tourneys etc. All I have been seeing the same damn characters used over and over and over etc. and I know they are "Tournament Viable" b/c ppl want to win and I dont blame them but come on. I've seen for MK9: KL Kabal, Cyrax. IGAU: MMH, Aqua, Supes, Batgirl etc. What's the point if only a certain number of characters would be used and the rest of the cast are cast out like the plague? Might as well make a game with only high tier character so ppl would stop bitching and can say "I have the skill to kick your ass, b/c of said character". I know that ppl have their mains and shit but seriously, you dont "Own" the character b/c you are good with that said character, you just know how to use them that all and you have the said skill. If you wanted to "Own" that character just buy the rights for that character (if you have the money for it and most likely not be about to afford it unless you win the lottery)

P.S. I dont give a shit if im bashed or anything, I just had that shit in my mind for awhile and wanted to get that out of my head.