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Do you like the engine, the style of gameplay?

So what do you make of the gameplay?

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Ready for Freddy
I'm not talking about stuff like glitches and character balance and fatalities here. I mean the basic stuff like:

* Universal normals (sorta)
* MK-style crossups (turn around in midair)
* Dashing, but no run
* Projectiles pass through each other
* Pretty much everybody gets a projectile, or a good substitute
* Loads of teleports
* Dialed strings, but no links
* Block button, Tekken-ish button layout
* 3D hitbox, 2D plane
* C-c-c-c-combo breakers
* EX moves, X-Rays, the meter, etc
While there's a bit too much teleports IMO (except for Baraka, who needs one desperately) I think the general gameplay is great, especially the meter and the properties of projectiles.


Play Monster Hunter!
Don't like.
Dialed combos, would prefer the pre programmed strings to stay, but be linked instead of dialed.
3D hitboxs.
Crouch and air normals should be changed, the only universal normal should be the NJP bounce. No not even uppercuts.

Also I would like some kind of hitstun decay for grounded opponenets, mostly so they can make most strings and specials be comboable and give more freedom.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Don't like.
Dialed combos, would prefer the pre programmed strings to stay, but be linked instead of dialed.
3D hitboxs.
Crouch and air normals should be changed, the only universal normal should be the NJP bounce. No not even uppercuts.

Also I would like some kind of hitstun decay for grounded opponenets, mostly so they can make most strings and specials be comboable and give more freedom.
I want infinite combo's too for everybody, that's what I call fun. You can go play that stupid looking SkullGirls game with 100+ hit combo's - neato gang!

OR...the way NRS made the game is very solid and is the reason it made it to the biggest fighting game tournament (EVO).


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I like the ideas behind the mechanics. They work, for the most part, but I just hate the random inconsistencies in a lot of stuff. Some things are just too generic, too.


Shang Bang
- I like that this game is not another anime style fighter
- I like how the combo system works
- I like how the metre system works
- I like how NRS gives us the customers what we want
- I dislike how everyone shares air punch/kicks
- I dislike that physical hits dont trade
- I dislike string loops in combos: ex. Lui Kang's 213/B+3,21. Damage output needs to be in proportion to execution difficulty
I just started playing the game and it seems pretty fun so far. I don't have enough experience to comment on gameplay besides the obvious bugs like Reptiles invisible ball. However I would like to see a couple non gameplay things added that would be very simple.

In the options I want two new setting. One would be an on/off switch for fatalities. Second would be a gore setting with three different settings: no blood at all, blood but no body dmg or blood sticking to characters, and full gore/blood setting.

I think these settings would help tournaments and players in general. You want to play a fighting game with your kids? It's probably not going to be MK without the above settings. For myself I would even turn off the body dmg because I don't think it looks that good.

Oh and a third new setting to turn off the "Toasty" feature. Does anybody actually like that feature?


I'm pleased with it but I do agree that it needs work in some areas (2D HITBOXES!!!)

Solid engine otherwise. Also, love or hate dials, they've been around since 3 and they're not leaving.


"Online is your forte!" - A Wise Man, 2015.

First off I must say that this game is by far the most fun and enjoyable fighting game of this or any decade. I won't say it's the most competitive, since I don't have a deep knowledge about this specific subject, but it's certainly not a broken game.
All those things in this game that differs it from any other fighting game (dial combos, crossover jumps, projectiles don't collide, block button, etc) is what keeps me playing it over any other game since April 19th, and I have no plans on quitting it!

BUT, no game is perfect, and even MK has it flaws. There are a few things in this game that I want SO BAD to be changed for MK10, since Ed Boon said they're sticking to this game's mechanics.
1. THROW BUTTON TO TECH THROWS. Seriously, a specific button to tech a back throw and another for a forward one? This is plain stupid, and we all know this since day one. Using the same button(s) your opponent pressed to throw you is the most logic way to tech it. SF has a perfect example on how balanced this mechanic is, and this should be implemented in MK ASAP.

2. INSTANT 50/50 AFTER A BLOCKED ATTACK. As I said before, I really like the block button, since it prevents all those stupid footsies/chess-like boring matches. But the BLOCK ITSELF in this game is definitely HORRIBLE. Everytime we block an attack we're STUCK on that atrocious block animation, and it makes those moves that has a not-that-quick-recovery simply GODLIKE SAFE. And those moves which has a very quick recovery, such as Kung Lao's [1,1], allows you to MOVE and JUMP while your character is still with their arms raised like "Hey look at me, I'm trying to block the wind! I'M F*CKING RETARDED!". Seriously, WTF? This garbage NEEDS to be CHANGED! After blocking a string like that one mentioned, you MUST be able to react, like immediately ducking (without blocking), jumping or start a string of yours. That move would still be safe on block, but you would be able to react immediately. Take Scorpion's [2,1,2] combo as an example (not on block). After the second hit, your opponent will last on his stun animation for long enough to be hit by the sword strike. But, if you interrupt the string on the second move (not landing the last one), you'll be on a perfect 50/50 situation, where you can move/jump/use any other attack while your opponent can react immediately by jumping, crouching or performing any attack.

3. NO MORE GUARANTEED THROWS AFTER A BLOCKED JIP. One of the most stupid things on this game is a blocked Jump-In-Punch. Every time you do a JIP and your opponent blocks it, almost every single normal attack is guaranteed. Yeah, this is fair, but THROWS BEING GUARANTEED TOO? If so, there's certainly something very wrong here. Your opponent must be able to evade a throw after a blocked JIP, but you also have to be able to create a blockstring with your normals. The blockstun time must be adjusted in order to make it PERFECT, so you won't be punished for a blocked JIP, neither will be on a HUGE advantage. Best solution I found to this issue is to make the JIP somewhat familiar to what they were in UMK3. In that game, if you just press up and punch and your opponent blocks it, your character would just gently fall down. But if you do a JIP and immediately press the button combination of one of your character's combos, your character will immediately appear on the ground, doing the combo you've just pressed. This might sound a little too goofy on today's technology and graphics, but would fix the blocked JIP issue for good!​


I wish that they would get rid of chip damage and dial combos. I do not think this rewards people enough for blocking properly against certain strings due to their safety and chip damage. At the same time, this game allows people to get away with braindead offense like jump in punch~safe string or cancel into safe special~ rinse and repeat.


Frost Warrior
I like it the way it is. Its unique in its own special way. :D
And thats how all Fighter games should be. Unique.


There are a lot of gripes I have with the MK system, although I doubt they would be popular with the MK community.

For starters, the good.

* Universal normals (sorta)
* MK-style crossups (turn around in midair)
* Dashing, but no run
* Projectiles pass through each other
* Pretty much everybody gets a projectile, or a good substitute
All of this is awesome, because it makes the game much easier to understand and doesn't promote a projectile fest like in SF (I mean ZONING).

But there are some problems that prevents me from enjoying the game to the point of taking it seriously, at least in the "let's journey forth and win tournaments."

This is one of them

* Loads of teleports
The teleports in SF worked fine because they were a way to get in and out of situations, not to mention they weren't stupid fast. In MK, it's different. Teleports are way too fast and way too strong to the point where in order to win a tournament, you need to pick a character that has it. See Kung Lao at EVO.

They are basically too offensive and deal an insane amount of damage. Yes, they are highly punishable, but most of the time you can only block on react. They also mess up the balance making several characters like Jax and Baraka useless in high level because they don't have the teleport mobility. For characters who don't have teleport but still used in high level play, they tend to move that makes them extremely hard to predict (Reptile's Dash).

* Dialed strings, but no links
I don't mind this, although I wish the string combos were more universal. Some strings are easy to pull off (Sektor) while some are just plain weird (Jax)

* Block button, Tekken-ish button layout
I would far prefer "hold back to block"

* 3D hitbox, 2D plane
Terrible. Too many inconsistent behaviors in the game. Missing the 2nd hit with Sektor's EX-tele uppercut is ANNOYING and can totally screw the match for Sektor.

* C-c-c-c-combo breakers
* EX moves, X-Rays, the meter, etc
Perfectly fine.

Another point I want to add is how I hate the way they made the moves, as in their motions. Why does one character have back-back as a projectile, while one has down forward? If I was going to design MK9 as a reboot, I would've made that every character has 4 specials and ONLY 4 specials. To do a special, you simply put down-forward and whatever button. If there is a variant to a special (Jax's ground pound), the motion would be different but on the same button. It would make the game far easier to jump from one character to another, instead of constantly eying on the pause menu screen. Also, it would force NRS to specialize each character with only 4 special moves, as opposed to "I do everything" characters like Nightwolf and Kung Lao.

Also, I would make the normal attacks work in two ways: Four buttons without any direction for the normal universal stuff, and forward+attack for the four unique normals for each character. None of this "hold back and press" or "hold up and press" inconsistent crap.