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I'm a lover, not a fighter
Hey all

So I have been lurking here for a long time. I thought it was best not to stalk this site from the bushes anymore. I heard a rumour that it was going to put a restraining order on me so I joined to prevent having a police record.

Anyway, I'm Australian, I am nice, I play MK - I suck at this game but who knows, I might get better!?! I have been looking at some of the guides which are really helpful. Kitana is my favorite - starting to like reptile too. Anyone who has tips, I'd love to hear them.
The only MK I was really good at was deception - I mained Ashrah (I think I was the only one lol) and also played Mileena/Kang. Also play SSF4 (Blanka/Sakura), SC (Kilik/Ivy). Also love FF series and have been known to WOW on the rare occasion.

Sorry for crapping on - I didn't know what to write. (non)Verbal diarrhea seems to be the cure for that.

Thanks for having me.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™

I am on Surfang here though I rarely play. I used to play a bit more a couple of years ago. What server are you on? Main?
Darkspear and Haomarush.

Mained a Feral Druid for 5 years-ish, play a Rogue now. I used to be a hardcore raider, but I'm mainly in for the PvP now.


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
Is it free stuff?

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