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Do you have what it takes?


Attention fellow test your mighters, most of you probably know me as the best Mkx Noob Saibot player in the states, possibly the world. You have no doubt been mesmorized by my brilliant commentaries in other threads such as "Noob or gtfo." I come to you today not to ask you a simple question. But rather a series of simple questions. Do you have what it takes? Do you love your Country? Does your penis have trouble fitting into even the largest of condoms? Are you tired of testing your might against an endless train of random Scorpion players that have yet to learn that Scorpion has moves other than uppercut and teleport?

If you answered yes to even one of these questions than you just might have what it takes to be a Thunda Dawg. You may be asking yourself "What's a Thunda Dawg?" Well its only the hypest shit to hit the Destiny servers since Oryx himself decided he was gonna plow the collective anuses of the awoken.

So if you think your man enough head on over to Bungie.net and SUBMIT A APPLICATION!!!!!!!