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Do people still play online? xbl


hey guys iv been playing injustice sinece its release and i traded in MK. Injsutice is now boring and its just not the same as it was. I am mostly an online player so if i get MK will there be a lack of players to play or not?


Est In Harvey 1989
On XBL it's not as many people online, but there is still people. I've noticed that since Injustice came out It takes longer for you to find a match in Ranked.


Filthy Casual
Come on man stick to injustice! there are plenty of UK people to play with and to level up. I played MK tonight and I couldn't believe how big the characters were, I felt like I was playing clay fighter or something! Also d1 felt like I was in quick sand.


Come on man stick to injustice! there are plenty of UK people to play with and to level up. I played MK tonight and I couldn't believe how big the characters were, I felt like I was playing clay fighter or something! Also d1 felt like I was in quick sand.
i dont know what it is injustice doesnt feel as fun as it was when i first played it ill stick with it though


Filthy Casual
WTF is up with you UK gamers...I swear you're all up till 6am your time every night! Are you all drug dealers?! Every time I see a UK player online 24/7 I think of that one show with cartoon head/face?


WTF is up with you UK gamers...I swear you're all up till 6am your time every night! Are you all drug dealers?! Every time I see a UK player online 24/7 I think of that one show with cartoon head/face?
haha i dont know who cartoon head face is but yeah when u were on MK how many would u say were online?


Filthy Casual
haha i dont know who cartoon head face is but yeah when u were on MK how many would u say were online?
No idea, I would never play mk again but a clan mate wanted to warm up a bit for offline. Injustice is superior in every way, I can't wait for MK10.

The show is called Ideal, I like a lot of UK shows, well 5 off the top of my head.


yeah i suppose it is but i just prefer the MK style like the fatalities and gore and stuff lol im from the UK and iv never heard of that show haha

Chakk dizzle

That's baaaaane
I decided to hop on today and the ranked queue was just as fast as injustice XBL tbh. Also seems like a ton of new players. Way more new players than say a year ago it seems.