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Differences Between (Zone, Rush, Power, Gadgets) Character Types?


Hello Community,

I am not new to fighters, just the language used in communities to define character types.
The titles are basic and seem pretty obvious to me, therefore, I interpret the following character types as such:

Rush would be a rush/agile character.
Zone would be one whom fights from distance or wins by controlling.
Power would be a strong damage dealing character.
Gadgets would be one whom relies on tech (I see this as a mixture of rush and control).

My confusion however, lies in the small details -> are there subtle nuances to each? Examples:
Power Characters relies on grapples?
Rush characters get in close and strike multiple combos?

What about Control & Gadget character types how do you best exploit they're strengths (Is it only by keeping the opponent within the radius of a zone where your abilities are most influenced)?

What about they're usual weaknesses - what are they?

I understand this game has not been released - I own and am familiar with MK9, feel free to use it's characters for reference to better punctuate your explanation should you need to.



Power/Gadget is an Injustice thing. Just differentiates characters by how they interact with the environment.

Also, I don't know if you made an introduction thread but welcome to TYM.
Power/Gadget is actually 100% meaningless when you get down and dirty into learning Injustice. They're just buzzwords that were used early on to help people see who was able to interact in stages in different ways. Basically all they mean is who will jump off cars, and who will pick them up and slam them on their opponent. That's honestly it.

In terms of general fighter archetypes for how characters play on the whole, here's some common ones

rushdown - deals the majority of their damage up close to their opponent. The farther away they are, the worse they are.
zoning - deals the majority of their damage far away from their opponent. The closer they are, the worse they are.

There's lots of sub-genres, but those are your 2 main ones to be concerned with in any fighting game honestly.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Power/Gadget is just for the stage interactables and I'd imagine it means little to nothing in actual gameplay.

But if it's an actual property within characters then I'd have to say FUCK gadget characters and the Gotham City dumpster.


Administrator and Community Engineer
In practice the difference between power/gadget can fairly substantial in certain situations, because of the effects the interactibles have on the metagame. For example, gadget characters can get out of the corner for free (as long as they aren't interrupted on startup) in certain stages.. Also the fact that Batman can toss a dumpster at Lex midscreen which is harder to jump with Lex's gigantic hitbox is an advantage for him.

There's other trickery with the RC car, and things I'll have to play around with at launch. But overall the interactibles seem to matter to the gameplay and I wouldn't take them for granted.

As far as zoner vs. rushdown -- a lot of the cast is too diverse to pigeonhole in a single category. There are obvious exceptions, but I don't think it helps much to try to fit a square peg in a round hole.


Nightwolf Mourner
The difference of Gadget/Power characters allow stages to have counter pick properties to them, like in Smash bros. Which is awesome to me. c:


Power/Gadget is actually 100% meaningless when you get down and dirty into learning Injustice. They're just buzzwords that were used early on to help people see who was able to interact in stages in different ways. Basically all they mean is who will jump off cars, and who will pick them up and slam them on their opponent. That's honestly it.

In terms of general fighter archetypes for how characters play on the whole, here's some common ones

rushdown - deals the majority of their damage up close to their opponent. The farther away they are, the worse they are.
zoning - deals the majority of their damage far away from their opponent. The closer they are, the worse they are.

There's lots of sub-genres, but those are your 2 main ones to be concerned with in any fighting game honestly.
This really helped. Thanks.

Everybody else thank you as well. Very insightful info.