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Didn't Pay $75 Fee? Firefighters Watch Your Home Burn To Ground


wtf. U hav pay a fee for this stuff in america
In uk u dont pay anything

So u hav pay a fee. Like a every month or year ? how does it work

Edit: found the anwser
Each year, Obion County residents must pay $75 if they want fire protection from the city of South Fulton. But the Cranicks did not pay.

This is very bad

Here is the full story
wazz said:
wtf. U hav pay a fee for this stuff in america
In uk u dont pay anything

So u hav pay a fee. Like a every month or year ? how does it work

Edit: found the anwser

This is very bad

Here is the full story
Dude, we do pay in the UK. We just pay via our tax rather than private insurance etc.


IceyTruth said:
Dude, we do pay in the UK. We just pay via our tax rather than private insurance etc.
dood i know that. I ment like pay $75 fire fighters fee

I nvr heard of payin for a fire fighters fee
Yeah, never heard of that either. Strange.

Also, to the guy in the UK, most cities don't have that fee like that. It's paid for via taxes.
We are trained monkeys being told what to do as human beings. Where has humanity gone to? Its always been $$ over everything. What if there were people in the house? "Oh well they didn't pay, let them die." <--- mmmmyeah that's humane. ::|


ScheissNussen said:
It's his fault imo.
If you want to live in an area that is remote enough that it doesn't have it's own fire company and there is a one offering their services for 75$ a year, pay the fucking money. Sure it's shitty that they didn't put out the fire but it's not even their area. I bet everyone that decided not to pay it learned a lesson. What the fuck is 75$.

You're 100% right but, they couldn't have (heavily) fined him and do their job instead of letting his house burn to the ground if you ask me.


Ofcourse if you pick apart the whole thing it's one (or several) top guy that call the shots and not the actual fire fighters that were on the scene when that poor guy's house burned into ashes while they were looking at the pretty flames.

All I'm saying is that no matter how fun those places are to hang out or a fee is paid yes or no, this shouldn't have happened, no matter what.

I certainly hope officials cut off some heads over this.