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Did you ever play MUDs?


Did any of you guys ever play MUDs?

If you did, what did you really like about it? What aspects of the gameplay were the most fun?

If MUD is a totally foreign term to you, it means Multi User Dungeon. A text-based precursor to the MMOs we have now. I played a few, none religiously, but I've recently been thinking about how MUDs let communities build creative and interesting worlds without the high costs of snazzy graphics.


I used to play StarMUD. It was a Scifi mud, so the d stood for dimension instead of dungeon.

You went around and killed NPCs for money and XP, which you used to enhance your character to kill bigger monsters to earn more XP and money, etc.

I guess the fun parts were building your character and customizing it from the different options, exploding the world, and hanging out with my friends on the mud.
Also gaining new abilities was fun. The grinding needed to do that, not so much.