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Did I post this here already? Xbox Live vs The PSN

http://www.youtube.com/TerryxMasters - Part 1
http://www.youtube.com/TerryMasters247 - Part 2

I decided to split them up because one of my blog videos on my personal channel actually got me some gaming fans there and I didn't want them to miss out. But did I post this here already? I have this feeling like I did but I tried searching for it and came up empty. I don't know, it seems like that was just a weird dream. Anyway...

This is a two part documentary if you will, about the differences between Xbox Live and The Playstation Network. The first part shows the technical data - some realtime, realworld comparisons testing system updates, game updates and demo downloading - while part two is more of an in depth discussion about Xbox Live that takes place on a more personal level. The purpose of these videos is to provide information to not only the tech savvy but the common consumer as well in an effort to show that when it comes down to it, no one system is really better than the other (though companies and business strategies are another story, as I elaborate on in part two). The toughest thing about making the last video was trying to share as much information as I could without sounding like some gaming conspiracy theorist that rocks a tinfoil Kinect hat when he goes to sleep, but I actually own my own business and know a lot more about how these things work than most people give me credit for. Just a heads up, part two is both a lengthy watch and a lengthy read, but if you're interested in this debate I implore you to do so as there's a lot of important information found in both.

Cookies for those who can listen to me ramble for 20 minutes (don't say I didn't warn you).
I'm learning that you can't try to be fair and prove a point when it comes to fanboys... at least, if you can, it's extremely hard to do. I couldn't tell you how many times I've seen my stuff taken way out of context. But I find this particular series funny the way it turned out - All I wanted to do was show that the two consoles aren't as different as people make them out to be. I wanted to try and put an end to the ridiculous flame wars. The only thing I did in part two was show a nasty business strategy Microsoft uses to get Live Gold subscribers, and just wanted to share it with them because I didn't know anyone else who knew about it (I was a 360 fanboy once too, guys). But here's why it's funny: Because the 360 won some of the speed tests, with technicalities mind you, all of a sudden my video is being spread as definitive proof that the 360 is the superior console.

Two videos later, the Xbox 360 takes an excruciating 20+ minutes to download a map pack.


The solution is, that there isn't one.

When you say "fanboys".. Well, that's your answer right there.

One will say ps3 is gay because *random personal experience

The other will say xbox 360 is gay because *random personal experience


I Pikachu while you shower.
Pretty much what X wrote. But the reasons for buying a PS3 or a Xbox shouldnt be hard.

I bought mine because:

* My IRL friends has one. So I get to play with them and trade games with them.
* The Xbox had more games I like than the PS3.
* It was cheaper than the PS3.

And I never realy had a problem with paying for XBL since it is a pretty good online service. And if you devide the money you pay for 12 months of live by 365. You will see its not much to pay for each day.
Epic Sax Guy said:
Pretty much what X wrote. But the reasons for buying a PS3 or a Xbox shouldnt be hard.

I bought mine because:

* My IRL friends has one. So I get to play with them and trade games with them.
* The Xbox had more games I like than the PS3.
* It was cheaper than the PS3.

And I never realy had a problem with paying for XBL since it is a pretty good online service. And if you devide the money you pay for 12 months of live by 365. You will see its not much to pay for each day.
See that's absolutely perfect. There's nothing wrong with what you just said and more people need to be like this.


Forum General Emeritus
A few major reasons I chose ps3 over 360.

Tekken (don't play anymore)
Final Fantasy (now on 360)
Backward compatibility
Free online

Sidenote: I love how nobody gives a shit about the Wii. Real console discussion only, lol

Tim Static

DCIguy said:
Sidenote: I love how nobody gives a shit about the Wii. Real console discussion only, lol
The Wii still shits all over the other consoles in sales. Its a very nice system, but it just cant be your ONLY system. There is some VERY VERY good games on the Wii, such as New Super Mario bros Wii, Mario All Stars, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn...etc. Laugh at it but those games are as good as any on any console.


I Pikachu while you shower.
DCIguy said:
Sidenote: I love how nobody gives a shit about the Wii. Real console discussion only, lol
That made my day lol. To be honest I forgot that thing even existed.
DCIguy said:
Sidenote: I love how nobody gives a shit about the Wii. Real console discussion only, lol
lol. Tim is right though, I personally play my Wii more than my 360. My brother just got me SvR2011 which is surprisingly good for a series I haven't played in 4 years, I've been playing the SNES version of SimCity like a mother and I also picked up Sonic Colors which is the Sega equivalent of Super Mario Galaxy. Yeah, it's good. Who'da thunk it?

And I did have someone comment on these vids the other day saying, "what, no Wii?" and I really wanted to reply "no, not in an Xbox Live vs PSN comparison." :p
I bought a Wii last year and regretted it. Then I hacked it.

Now I use it as much as my PS3. It's so braindead easy to softmod that everyone should do it even just to use emulators. Shit is cash.


Forum General Emeritus
Tim Static said:
The Wii still shits all over the other consoles in sales. Its a very nice system, but it just cant be your ONLY system. There is some VERY VERY good games on the Wii, such as New Super Mario bros Wii, Mario All Stars, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn...etc. Laugh at it but those games are as good as any on any console.
The only reason the Wii is selling so strong is because Nintendo is directing their marketing strategy toward casual, non-gamers. I'm not suggesting the Wii is downright unplayable, but in terms of hardcore (not necessarily violent) games, Nintendo is a distant third.
I'd just like to post this quick tidbit coming out of CES regarding the XBLvPSN thing: Microsoft just announced that XBL Gold subscribers have hit 30 million worldwide, while console sales have broken 50 million. Again as a former 360 supporter, a gaming advocate, and lover of all things buttons, I find it hard to knock any system and the Xbox has some great exclusives. But don't you think something's wrong when half your install base opts out of your "premium" service?

They tout these numbers like they're supposed to be impressive, and don't get me wrong in a way they are, but how do you not look at those stats and go, "gee, their service is so great that almost 50% of the people who bought the console don't use it"? I mean, yeah I have my issues with Microsoft after seeing them take advantage of my friends via some business strategies that are as brilliant as they are retarded (a few of which I didn't even mention in the vids). And if they want to have a premium service like Playstation Plus, that's ok. I'd never bash someone who wants extra features, but don't deprive the people who don't the ability to play.

I try to be as real about stuff as I possibly can. Not biased, and definitely not hateful. I'd never try to force my opinion on anyone. I just want to get this stuff out there. I love things that make you think and always spark up intelligent discussion. That said, when I rant like this I know I geeked out. But it's just a love for something I grew up with that I see these guys slowly taking away. If you bought a 360 with Halo 3 when it first came out and have been playing it online since then, you'd have spent $600 just to play Halo. Out of all four platforms - the Wii, PS3, 360, and PC, only one of them charges you for a basic multiplayer component but to Microsoft it's the other three that are doing something wrong and if it weren't for the Xbox, we'd never be able to get our game on. Thanks for the save, MS. ::)

(Again, I'm not a hater. Because true gamers don't hate. The 360 has some great games, I just bought Hydro Thunder Hurricane a week ago and can't put it down.)