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General/Other Devastatingly bad Bane glitch


I'm great in my world.
So before I go on, I just want to say this is fairly rare, and is impossible to reproduce as it is 100% random.

So this has happened over the last couple days, but I have noticed that while my daily training sessions, I have noticed combos that should be registering 30%-40% damage, are coming out at 9%-15% with 9,10,11 hits. This isn't just a graphical glitch, because I have noticed that this glitch also affects how much actual damage is done. Is it 9%? No, but it sure as hell is not 30%, 40%. This glitch seems to be doing is only counting the first few hits. If I do a huge combo that should register in the 40's and it comes out at 13%? I'm screwed and am about to get bodied.

So, has anyone encountered this glitch, I haven't seen this for any character, just Bane.

Mr. Mileena

So before I go on, I just want to say this is fairly rare, and is impossible to reproduce as it is 100% random.

So this has happened over the last couple days, but I have noticed that while my daily training sessions, I have noticed combos that should be registering 30%-40% damage, are coming out at 9%-15% with 9,10,11 hits. This isn't just a graphical glitch, because I have noticed that this glitch also affects how much actual damage is done. Is it 9%? No, but it sure as hell is not 30%, 40%. This glitch seems to be doing is only counting the first few hits. If I do a huge combo that should register in the 40's and it comes out at 13%? I'm screwed and am about to get bodied.

So, has anyone encountered this glitch, I haven't seen this for any character, just Bane.
Are you doing venom?
When Bane recovers from venom, especially level 3, he gets a HUUUGEEE damage nerf, and defense is reduced also for a short while


I'm great in my world.
Are you doing venom?
When Bane recovers from venom, especially level 3, he gets a HUUUGEEE damage nerf, and defense is reduced also for a short while
Some times yes, sometimes no. I get the venom damage nerf, but this also happened to a non-venom combo I did that usually gets around 30%, took me into the single digits. I'll go back to the labs tomorrow to try and replicate this in succession.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Honestly it might just be a training mode glitch... HOWEVER.
I have noticed a weird issue with block timings and damage, like moves that aren't connecting are still scaling because of the frames.
To put it short, when the moves +frames go into a blocked string (b.1 b.1 is the easiest example) if they block the 2nd b.1 its 0.06%
However, if you delay it just a few frames it comes out at 0.07% instead. I also had a similar issue (though not exactly the same) where I did my b.23 b.23 reset into b.3 (Just for the heck of it since its something that sometimes works) and then did a d.2 f.f.MB to go directly into the overhead cancel. Oddly, because the overhead causes a quick-stand much like the b.23 I chained a combo right after but the scaling on it was a touch lower than usual.

Not single digit, but around 7-8% less than it would normally be. All of it was done without venom also so the cooldown isn't a factor.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
You guys need to get a recording of this. I work in tech support - the phrase I hear frequently is "it's totally random". Guess how often a software glitch happens literally randomly. I'll answer it for you - it's extremely rare.

Since Bane has a damage debuff after venom, this looks like user error and/or not a clear enough understanding of the timings on when the debuff is still on. But without a video, how's anyone to know?

If it's a real glitch, record it and tag colt in the bugs/glitches thread.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta


Trust me, I'm a doctor
You guys need to get a recording of this. I work in tech support - the phrase I hear frequently is "it's totally random". Guess how often a software glitch happens literally randomly. I'll answer it for you - it's extremely rare.

Since Bane has a damage debuff after venom, this looks like user error and/or not a clear enough understanding of the timings on when the debuff is still on. But without a video, how's anyone to know?

If it's a real glitch, record it and tag colt in the bugs/glitches thread.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Is colt really that powerful? Also as I said, my situation occurred without any venom happening whatsoever. Its not totally uncommon for moves to be scaled if you hit within the +frames but to the extent of what he is saying isn't really known to me. I've also only had it happen once myself.


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
In the MK training mode, rapid succession of practice mode resets result in armor properties lingering. Was venom hit on the prior iteration and the game tricked into thinking you are in permanent cooldown?


I'm great in my world.
In the MK training mode, rapid succession of practice mode resets result in armor properties lingering. Was venom hit on the prior iteration and the game tricked into thinking you are in permanent cooldown?
Ok I actually have never thought of that. I reset after every combo. Maybe it was the fact that venom glitched out and put me into a state like that. I will go and try this. I'll do so venom combos and reset each time to see if I can get it. It could be a lingering debuff at reset.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I would normally agree however such a thing happening would indeed be a random occurrence which is what a lot of people are saying is impossible.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Is it possible that if you do a combo and enter debuff state before its over that the command to lower things causes an error on the next combo creating this? Like say its storing the command to debuff your character but doesn't till you finish the combo you started while jacked on venom and then when you try your next combo its somehow registering the debuff twice or something?

Just spitballing random scenarios that might screw with debuff to create a glitch that causes such a huge combo nerf.