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Detailed Explanation of the 'Continuation Rule'

Eh, I've posted this in the official MLG Rules thread, but I believe it got over looked. But, I've taken the courtesy to try to explain it to the best of my ability, if I'm misunderstanding this rule, delete this thread.

Lets go over a scenario for the familiar Double Elimination format tournament.

Double Elimination:
- Player A beats Player B (3-0 matches)
-Player A moves all the way into Winners Grand Finals
-Player B is in Losers
-Player B fights his/her way to Grand Finals
-Player B, wins his/her first set (3-0) vs Player A
-Player B RESETS
-Player B wins his/her second set (3-0)
-Player B wins tournament
-Player B has played a total of 6matches in Grand Finals
Note: In the event player B again after being sent to Losers by player A, player B would have been eliminated from the tournament
Continuation Rule: Extended Series Best of 11 Matches
-Player A beats Player B (3-0)
=Player A moves all the way into Winners Grand Finals
-Player B is in Losers
-Player B fights his/her way to Grand Finals
-Player B fights player A in Grand Finals or Player B fights player A if player A is ALSO sent to Losers by Player C.
-The Score is: Player A (3) Player B (0)
-In order for Player B in Losers or Grand Finals to win he/she HAS to WIN 6 Matches
-Same as Double Elimination IF the player got 3-0'd in Winners.
Worst case scenerio, you HAVE to play 1-3 EXTRA match(s) IF you run into the player that beat you previously, because sets are 3/5 depending on how bad you lost the first time.
In the event you PLAY the same player twice, in LOSERS or Grand Finals.
-You will play 1 extra match if you lost 3-2 (4 total in Series of 11 to Win GF)
-You will play 2 extra matches if you lost 3-1 (5 total in Series of 11to win GF)
-You will play 3 extra matches if you lost 3-0 (6 total in Series of 11 to win GF) (shame on you ;P)
-YOU will ONLY have to worry about Continuation Rule, if you FACE the same player you LOST the first SERIES too. Other wise, you're good to go!
- Matter of fact, I think it benefits you, by LOSING 3/2 or 3/1 to the same player, because you play 4 or 5 total matches in Grand Finals if you make it, as opposed to a SET IN STONE 6 MATCHES for a DOUBLE ELIM format.
-If you're going to lose, make sure you lose, 3-1 or 3-2, because it will benefit you, if you make it from LOSERS to Grand Finals.
Continuation, isn't ALL bad, I'm trying to grasp it.


I don't see it bad. It's good. But if 2 opponents face each other more then twice, than it might be a problem for the looser.
I don't really care about this one way or the other. I think it's weird that MLG wants to have a super complicated rule that no other tournaments use but that's their prerogative.


Digital Pro Sports
The only people I feel this should be a big deal for are the organizers, as long as they're willing to deal with all the micromanaging necessary then whatever. It does seem a tad overboard though.