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Destiny: Titan, Warlock, or Hunter?


Hey everyone, Destiny is right around the corner and I haven't been this hyped for a game in a long time. I am having trouble choosing between Titan or Hunter for my first play through (first world problems) but I was wondering which class you guys are going to be for your first play through and why.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I played Warlock in the beta and dug it. I will probably stick with that class unless they nerf it for whatever reason.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
So far it doesn't really seem to make any difference at all. Different flavors of the same basic stuff.
Hopefully later skill sets and such will provide more unique options, but from what they showed so far, it all seems pretty similar.
Only thing that's slightly variable for playstyle is their big special move, but even those have pretty similar usages/effects.
Hoping more diversity comes from later game content at least.