Awesome info
Between this video and j360 makes me feel little better about the mk kummunity.
This info may not seem like much to the few top top players but for the other players that didn't know like myself. We end up getting discouraged and feel like "man I'll never get better". It also gets frustrating when top players don't share little details like this and just keep it to themselves. Keeping it to themselves doesn't help the kummunity at all. What it does is make people not want to go to tournaments because they feel they can't get any better, this little piece of info could change any number of games from being a loss to a win.
Knowledge is power, I'm sick of people saying "oooo I have new tech, but im not sharing" like wtf is that??? That doesn't do anything to help people, it's selfish and discourages others to get better.
Sharing knowledge helps a kummunity grow and flourish. Look at the street fighter kummunity as an example. They share every little piece of info little or big.
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