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Definite rookie

Hey guys.. been using this site for a long time and never made an account.

Well now I have! Figured it was about time since there have been plenty of threads i've wanted to reply to but couldn't.

I've played MK in the past, namely MK1, so i'm literally a rookie to fighting games. Haven't touched SF4 or MvC. However, I do have a tiny bit of experience with Tekken from years back.. Played competitive CS:S (Not just cal-o baha) and have been in a few other competitive leagues, but never fighting.

Obviously veterans of the fighting game community have a LITTLE edge over newcomers, but I enjoy challenges.

I am on PSN (You know, when they aren't getting hacked), and plan to play MK9 online if the netcode allows... You can hit me up if you want. I currently reside in Minnesota, so any news on Midwest tournaments would be awesome.

Thanks guys! Oh and... Tom Brady, you are quite sick. MK Guru! If anyone has input, wouldn't you assume after PowerUP that PerfectLegend and Tom Brady seemed the most skilled? I mean, knowledge is useful, but they played well. PL's Lao was pretty sick.. If I had to fight him, I would have probably just stood still and shook my head.

Rambling, sorry. Thanks guys, and TYM is a badass site for sure! P.S. I am new, but I don't lack skill, so I will accept any challenges on PSN because I want and NEED to get my ass beat. I mean really.... a boxer can't improve if every opponent he faces has no arms. I would also LOVE to see a few mirror matches of my mains. You can learn to play a character, but if you play him incorrectly, you're pretty screwed. AKA teleporting Scorpions.