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Match Footage Deathstroke vs Doomsday


Average at Best
First off I must say that I consider myself an average player and the video will obviously reflect that. I'm hoping to reach out and possibly get some critism back on not only this matchup but my overall performance and decision making.
Based on Chaoser and myself playing a couple of sets prior to this (which for some reason my software wouldn't cooperate with me, so I was unable to record) I feel Doomsday derserves a lot of respect from any postition on screen. So all the hesitation and/or wanna be "footsies" stems from the fact that at full screen if I were to shoot he would read it and punish with Supernova and then anywhere 3/4 screen and closer he would punish me with Venom.
Also once within jump distance if I chose to jump in he was hitting above .500 with his Air Snatch.
Though he might not have optimized his punishes his reads were very good and made me uneasy pretty much anywhere on screen.

I lost the first set and also lose this second set but I feel that I could've won. I don't take anything away from him at all and respect his play a lot. Looking back at the matches I throw out too many sword flips (hoping to make some kind of a read), drop and/or fail to optimize my damage with combos and just feel overwhelmed with by my lack options.

For anyone that's read up to this point I appreciate it and hope for ANY feedback to help improve my game. I hope to have a lot more gameplay recorded and hope to see myself progress and level up over time.



King Checkmate

uɐlop sı ʎllɐnʇɔɐ
Just dont get too spammy with the guns. Remember Doomsday's Supernova with MB can catch you in the middle of a shooting display for damage and a LOT of space gain ;)